Saturday 15 August 2020

Spanish Caetrati

While Phil has been motoring along painting the three elephants for my Carthaginian army I've been filling in between painting the crew and casualty figures for each one as it's been completed with a few figures for two bases of Spanish Caetrati. These are Foundry figures found in the Caesarian Romans section of their website and are cast with small shields moulded on. Phil was kind enough to pass on to me some LBM shield transfers which he had left over from an earlier commission. They were actually for Victrix figures but they fitted the Foundry shields pretty well, if you don't look too closely at some of them ~

Along with these I've also cleaned up the first unit of Hanibal's Veterans and spray undercoated them with my usual Double Acrylic White Primer from our local DIY shop. When these are completed I plan a short break from both figures and from the period. I've bought four MDF kits from Warbases for use in our North American settings for games and I plan to work on those while I refresh my enthusiasm for bronze! In the meantime, please keep safe and well.


  1. A jolly fine addition to the growing project.

  2. Replies
    1. But will they fight when the dice are rolling?

  3. Good looking and aggressive Spanish!
    Best Iain

  4. Very nice David... a simple colour scheme but very effective.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Glad you approve, especially as I'm low on mojo right now.

  5. Replies
    1. I am, are n't I? 😁 Oh, you mean the figures? Ta!

  6. Very nice David you are certainly cracking on with the project 👍

    1. Thanks Matt! I'm doing my best to stay on target, but I do need a break sometime soon.

  7. Nice and simple look, but very effective. It's always good to have a break from projects, to try and help maintain the 'mojo'.

    1. Thanks SteveJ. I do need a break from bronze!

  8. I thought that said Castrati! I was expecting a boys' choir!

    1. That'll be your Catholic upbringing I'd guess...😉
