Thursday 6 August 2020

Baldinus at the gates!

Pressing on with face to face games, while they are still permitted, Phil and I had settled on a return to the unending struggle for the purple between Pompus Maximus and the usurper Baldinus. The two sides differ markedly, with the two forces tailored to suit the scenario I had settled on. Of course, what you can't factor in is the fact that your dice just hate you! A few pictures which will suffice to illustrate my latest thrashing. I really should just draw a veil over the details, memory is still raw...
Table layout at the commencement of hostilities. Baldinus has a balanced force of Dark Age Infantry, Warband, Skirmishers, Heavy and Light Cavalry. Pompus has put his eggs in one basket, relying on his artillery and archers to whittle down the approaching enemy. Big mistake!
The right centre of Pompus's battle lines resting on history's most incompetent artilleryists!
The enemy, thousands of them and all heading straight for me!!!!!
Opposing cavalry and horse archers are the first to clash. Despite initial losses my men stood to the task and halted the enemy's attacks. More than could be said for, well, you know by now I'm sure.
Baldinus's Warband overwhelmed the centre and destroyed the artillery and archers. Moving my victorious cavalry to shore up the collapsing centre proved a fatal error as they were caught in the flank and destroyed.
Seeing all is lost, PMaxImp heads for safety, escorted by the treasure and the remains of his best infantry.
The victorious Baldinus decides against pursuing his foe and heads for the comfort of the villa! He may regret that decision in some future encounter...


  1. Lovely game layout. Which rules are in play here?

  2. Great looking game and figures, but I thought history was always written by the winners - judging by most of the blogs I visit regularly, it seems to be the opposite for wargamers!

  3. The blocks of troops are a lovely sight. Giving a really nice sense of mass while still keeping a sensible footprint.

    1. Glad you see the same advantages that we do.

  4. Well one has to get stuck in. Can't sit back with all those bolt shooters in play, despite being crewed by caecus Pew and his many brothers. A splendid game and day indeed.

  5. Lovely looking game, but the die Gods obviously abandoned you (again). Time for some sacrifices to be made to appease them...

    1. They did not just abandon me, they actively hated me!

  6. A quality wargame David, well done yet again.

    1. Thanks again Robbie. I'm reinvigorated by the enforced break it seems.

  7. Always nice to see these troops in action.

    1. Would have been nice to see them win though George...☹️

    2. One can't win them all, as I know only too well😂

    3. But one would like to really😁

  8. Another thrashing.
    Centurion! Throw Mr.B. to the floor. I'm sure your collection's been expanded. Very nice too.

    1. Sadly yes! Collection is as it was, no space for expansion!

  9. Another very lovely looking game David!


    1. Thanks Christopher, your continued support is appreciated.

  10. A splendid game if a somewhat unfortunate result...David
    I’ve never been one for standing and waiting for the enemy to come on...
    I prefer to charge in there... and get massacred on the move...

    All the best. Aly

  11. Splendid looking battle David....suggest any remaining artillery crew are flayed alive 👍
