Thursday 2 July 2020

Infamia Infamia

You might recall that Matt sent me some Agema Miniatures Republican Romans which he had sculpted for them a while back. Also amongst the haul was a Warlord Games 'Kenneth Williams' look a like figure from the film Carry on Cleo which he'd also sculpted. I thought it a shame not to use it, so I've worked it into a small vignette for my future camp project by combining it with two Agema Miniatures Lictors and a Signifer. Just for fun I painted faintly a Latin motto on the banner, a nod to the latest craze for TFL's newest creation ~

Next up I hope to start on some figures for the Carthaginian army. I've got two bases worth of generic archers lined up, hopefully to be completed as quickly as the slingers. Then it's some A&A Miniatures Numidian Light Cavalry, 12 figures on four 80x50mm bases. When my Aventine Miniatures Heavy Infantry and Hoplites arrive though they might be moved up the queue! Besides these I've some Numidian Light Infantry skirmishers and I've ordered some Gallic cavalry from Wargames Foundry. As an excuse for the latter I did need some new pots of paint. Well, that's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it...


  1. And splendid it is too, a cracking vignette, whatever you do don't post it on PMT😂😂😂😂

    1. Thanks Phil! No danger of it being posted on PMT, I don't go there any more, it's become irrelevant.

  2. Praesignis David...

    Lovely figures and well presented...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! Always nice when our resident wild and hairy Celt drops by!😉

    2. I bet that’s not what the Romans said when Brennus popped round for a cup of tea back in the 390 BC 😁

    3. He probably wasn't as polite as your good self though.

  3. You've just got to love that Kenneth Williams figure! As always a lovely vignette.

    1. It amused me, so I'm glad others liked it too!

  4. Inspired, I suspect the TFL crowd would kill for that figure, as would I :)

    1. Thanks George. I think the figure is available still from Warlord.

  5. Is there a possibility they woul re-release thisKenneth figure, I am sur it would go down a storm with Mr Clark and the TFL buyers of the Infamy Infamy rules

    1. Yep he is still listed on the Warlod Games website

    2. Bags of character I thought, but then I'm hardly neutral.

  6. What a brilliant figure. Your vignette (command base too surely?) has put him to perfect use. Super stuff!

    1. Thanks James, Matt is a very talented sculptor. I did this for fun though, I already have a Command base if you browse back.
