Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Wolf's Cubs reach full strength

The title says it all really, but no doubt you will indulge me just a little if I say a bit more. With the completion of Legio VI the first part of the project reaches a conclusion. I have painted 101 figures in this first stage, 100 from Aventine Miniatures and one from Agema Miniatures! Here are the Wolf's Cubs proudly parading for the approval of old Coronus Cunctator ~
Of my first two orders to Aventine Miniatures I have only the two bases of cavalry to support Legio VI together with two bases of Balearic slingers to give another skirmish support option. The cavalry are already underway while the first base of slingers are fixed to the MDF hexes I use to hold figures for painting. My third order to Aventine Miniatures has been posted as I write, so we are in the hands of Royal Mail and it's minions now...
I need to get my initial A&A Miniatures figures ready for painting next to start the Carthaginian part of the project up. I also have a unit of 12 Allied Southern Italian cavalry by Aventine Miniatures to prepare too. As yet there is no news from A&A of my Carthaginian elephants and Numidian Light Infantry, but it's early days. Following on from the recent easing of all this coronavirus lockdown malarkey Phil and I have planned a grand reopening of GHQ with an ACW game to whet our appetite for a campaign. Life goes on, at last!


  1. An imposing little force David...
    I’m looking forward to seeing the Carthaginians...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! I'm looking forward to ordering the Carthaginians!

  2. Tempus fugit, and so do you Mr. B. Well done that man, look forward to seeing the Carthaginians done on the 6thπŸ™‚

    1. You have little chance of seeing Carthaginians on the 6th, as I've not ordered them yet beyond generals and elephants!

  3. Superb looking force! Nice to hear that you are (hopefully) able to get a FtF game in.

    1. It's a start, but hopefully it will grow much bigger over the year.

  4. Fantastic work David a whole army/force in the blink of an eye ! Good to know you might get a game in soonish πŸ‘

    1. Thank you Matt, it's on the way at least.

  5. Lovely force David, usual high standards.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement George, it's much appreciated.

  6. Great looking Romans! Bring on the Carthaginians!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! The chaps are on the march, slowly.
