Sunday 7 June 2020

A gift from Matt

A birthday during all this lockdown malarkey is certainly both different and memorable, mostly but not exclusively, for the wrong sorts of reasons though. Aside from the usual handful of cards, all heavily stressing the 70 on the covers, I also received a surprise package from Matt. When I opened it I was delighted to find several metal castings of Roman figures he had sculpted for Agema Miniatures and one for Warlord Games. The Tribune I've added to my Command base for the Wolf's Cubs and the other figures I've arranged into a small vignette featuring the Consul, Julius Fantabulosus, and his retinue ~
They'll be a good way down the painting queue unfortunately, as I'd like to finish the Legion's Triari and Velites first, but I thought you'd like to see them anyway.


  1. What a lovely birthday surprise! The figures look great and I'm sure will look superb once painted and based.

    1. Well, as to painting that remains to be seen...

  2. What a splendid little present...

    I forgot that Matt had made figures for Agema Miniatures...

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was rather lovely as I'm sure you understand. I think he made the first plastic sets for them too.

  3. Many happy returns. It looks like a fiersom and very evocative makings of a superb vignette. I'm looking forward to it's completions in due course.

    1. Thanks for your birthday wishes! I'm mulling over how I'll do these in due course.

  4. Strange times indeed....but a lovely gift. Happy birthday and I am sure things will start to settle in the not too distance future.🙂

    1. Thanks for that Matt. I do hope you are right about settling though.

  5. Lucky man, great character in those.

  6. Happy birthday and what a fine present!
    Best Iain

  7. A fine gift, especially welcome with Birthdays not being quite what they used to be pre Covid!
