Wednesday 15 April 2020

39th New York Volunteers...

...otherwise known as the Garibaldi Guards. This is the second time I've added this unit to my ACW collection, the first time using the single Dixon Miniatures dedicated figure and modifying officers, standard bearers and drummer, but this time I'm attempting a portrayal of how they might have appeared mid war using a range of Dixon Miniatures instead. I also gave them three flags, adding a GMB Designs New York Volunteers flag to the two dedicated flags for the unit including the Italian tricolour. For now I used the two flags from the Battle Flag sheet of New York's foreign regiments, but the colours are too pale I found next to the GMB Designs flag, so I've ordered up replacement flags from there. Postal service permitting I'll exchange the flags before I varnish the unit. Here is my version of the unit for now ~
 Some closer pictures, faults and all, to give a better impression of the individual figures ~

I'm not sure what I'll tackle next. I have a unit of Dixon Union cavalry, but I really don't like horses! I shall think on it, as they say...


  1. Bellisimo, Signor Bicclione 🇮🇹

  2. I love the animated feel of the figures and the three flags make them look rather unique.

    1. No ACW figures anywhere near Dixon for variety, accuracy or animation in my opinion.

  3. Another wonderful unit brimming with Dixon character! Bite the bullet and tackle those horses!

    1. Thanks. I've started a FRW unit actually, O'Donel's Frei-corps for my Austrians.

    2. Looking forward to seeing those. It's a terrific uniform. It'd be nice to see more individual posts of your units that we see in the large scale battle reports.

  4. Bravo...nice work David lots of character in the unit I like the standard bearer on his knees , very nice 👍

    1. Thanks Matt; currently I need all the encouragement I can get.

  5. Replies
    1. Many thanks for your continued support Christopher.

  6. Very nice, hope they fight better than mine.

    1. Thanks George, but as I'm invariably the Rebs then their performance is down to others not to me.

  7. A lovely looking unit David... and a splendid array of standards.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Once again Aly, thanks for your encouragement, it's definitely appreciated right now.
