Thursday 5 March 2020

Yet another War of 1812 US Command base!

I didn't manage to meet my target for February's painting total, falling 8 short in the end. Still, I managed 47 over the month and have finished 90 now in the first two months of 2020. These four figures are all from the Foundry War of 1812 range sculpted by Aly Morrison back in the day. The mounted General and the Infantry officer you will have seen on many a base before, but the sergeant is a new variant as he's sporting the 1813 tombstone shako. The bugler was just a surplus figure from my Lafayette Rifle Volunteers, so he is in that uniform scheme rather than the US Rifles he should represent. Here they are anyway ~

There remain now two US Infantry regiments in the 1813 tombstone shako, again Foundry figures, and two mounted Anglo-Canadian officers to make a final Command base for that army. These are from Perry Miniatures, one each from the Peninsular and British in Egypt ranges. They may get painted in April, we shall see.
Thoughts now though turn to Sunday's WMMS and the chance to view some great games, catch up with chums after being in winter quarters, and of course splash some cash on new and entirely needed new toys! See you there perhaps?


  1. Lovely figures - nice variety of uniforms!

  2. I always enjoy this kind of vignette, and this one is evocative and gorgeous David!

    1. That's very kind Phil, thanks. I've just sorted out another vignette from spare figures and I hope to paint it after the current ACW unit I'm working my way through.

  3. A nice looking command stand David...
    They all look in suitable disagreement.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Than you for the continued support Aly, it's appreciated. If they look somewhat confused, then that merely reflects my state when commanding them!

  4. Very neat those fellows from the State of Confusion.

    1. The great State of Confusion, let's get it right there!😉
