Tuesday 3 March 2020

"Forward the Canadian Voltigeurs!"

The latest completed unit, and the third by Brigade Games, for my War of 1812-15 expansion is representative of the Canadian Voltigeurs. Their uniform of dark grey faced black proved somewhat less of a painting challenge than I had feared and was enhanced by sparing use of lighter colours for the haversack, canteen and strap. As usual, here they are in their entirety, followed by a few closer views ~

The figures are sculpted by Paul Hicks, a well known if, in my opinion at least, a somewhat overrated exponent of the art. Why, you may ask? Well, I dislike the very thin muskets and bayonets, an accident waiting to happen in the cut and thrust of the tabletop environment! I'm also not keen on his faces, very 'rat like' I think. However, the main issue I had with these was the poor definition on the business ends of all the muskets evidencing poor sculpting or molding, take your pick, but somewhat spoiling the final look of the figures. On the plus side the range is reasonably complete, by wargames company standards at least, and Brigade Games' service is exemplary. If I was being picky I'd like some mounted Canadian volunteer figures and perhaps another US mounted volunteer unit to be added to the range. Now though I've a Command stand of Wargames Foundry figures to finish before I can press on with some Dixon ACW figures for the 10th Tennessee.


  1. Dour looking chaps in their grey finery, nicely done though.

    1. Thanks Phil. I think varnishing will bring the colours up a bit.

  2. Well I think they look rather good, in spite of your misgivings!
    Best Iain

  3. Yes I agree with Iain, I have this unit by Old Glory in my 1812 collection and I think this version is very nice indeed!

    1. You have 30 of these chaps? I'm seriously impressed.

  4. A very nice looking unit David...
    I wonder why they thought bearskins was a good idea for light infantry...

    All the best. Aly

    1. No idea myself, military fashion an odd thing at the best of times.

  5. Another great looking unit there:)
