Sunday 29 March 2020

Back in Dixie!

I mentioned in an earlier post on my last ACW unit, the 10th Tennessee, that the figures had languished in the Lead Pimple for a couple of years or so. These good ol' boys shared their wait in the queue for their moment under the brush so I thought it only right to see that they were completed too. As ever they are Dixon Miniatures with flags by Flags of War and bases by Warbases. The base texture is the last of my old pot of Colour Party Basetex, the Dried Earth version. (I've had to buy a new pot, something I thought I'd not have cause to do, but just before the lock down came into force I'd received an order from Dixon Miniatures - a 20 figure Union regiment and an 8 figure Union cavalry regiment.) Anyway, back to the latest addition to muster in to my Rebs, the 3rd Louisiana ~

Continuing my ACW theme I picked up the Redoubt Enterprise's Confederate seated general set from Colonel Bill at Hammerhead, so I thought I'd tackle those next. I've added a few bits from stock to help create a point of interest. After those I have a set of Perry Miniatures Union personalities - Howard, Sickles and Sykes. I'll need other figures to accompany these and as Perry Miniatures are currently closed that will have to wait I'm afraid.


  1. Fine and dandy (not the Yankee Doodle kind of course, fine and Dixie perhaps) Sir!

    1. You try, don't you, I'll give you that?

  2. Another lovely unit and look forward to the command base/vignette.

    1. Thanks SteveJ! The vignette is progressing well.

  3. Another really characterful unit! Im working on a very similar unit from Dixon myself at present. Look forward to the cavalry as well!

    1. Thanks again for the positive feedback. Sadly, the cavalry are way back in the queue, mostly because I dislike painting horses!

    2. Yeah I feel your pain there David. I did 6 in a row the other week and it nearly killed me. Horses are a real chore but very rewarding when done.

    3. Thankfully although cleaned up they are not yet undercoated as it's turned cold.

  4. Well done David, they look very nice!

  5. Very nice David...
    Proving that plain old grey can indeed be rather colourful...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Many thanks, Aly, and for the insight on many shades of grey...

    2. Hmmm!.
      Many shades of grey... sounds catchy...
      How many would you think is appropriate... ;-)

    3. 57? No, wait, that's soup isn't it?😉

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Gonsalvo, I'm quietly pleased myself with how they turned out.

  7. Well one David, its good to see more rebels. I struggle to like Dixon figures but yours do look the part.

    1. You are not alone in the struggle, like many other manufacturers Dixon has its critics but for me they simply cannot be topped when it comes to the ACW and the correct look and feel of the figures.

  8. Very nice, this virus has put a halt on several of my wargaming goals for this year, including more ACW.

    1. Thank you George. The virus has altered most plans I'd guess. Still, you can always order some more SYW figures...
