Wednesday 12 February 2020

War of 1812-15 New York Militia

As any regular visitors to the blog will recall I'm sure, I've been working on the first of three Brigade Games units for the War of 1812-15. I posted a sneak preview of the first base of 4 figures, depicting a unit of New York Militia, in hunting shirts and in the marching pose, in an earlier blog entry but now they are finished I can show the full unit ~
The figures are very well sculpted and detail is clear, so they were relatively easy to paint once I'd decided on a colour scheme and worked out the best order of colour application. The flags I made myself utilizing designs I'd found through a Google search. They may not be historically accurate but they will suffice for me ~
I have the second US Militia unit ready to go now, but making use of a different colour scheme for them should hopefully help them stand out. They will be from New Jersey and again will be carrying home made flags. In the meantime, a picture or two in more detail of the New Yorkers ~

When the New Jersey unit is completed, hopefully later this month, that will leave just a unit of Canadian Voltigeurs, also from Brigade Games, to complete this mini project. I still have the additional Command stand I'd like to complete in this phase, but that must wait on these first. In addition there are two US Infantry regiments in the later war uniform and tombstone shako from Wargames Foundry in the Lead Pimple, but they will be waiting a while yet to reach the head of the painting queue.


  1. Another cracking unit and no mistake!

    1. Thanks for those kind sentiments SteveJ!

  2. Great looking militia, love the colors!

    1. I think they turned out about as well as I could expect, all things considered.

  3. Very dapper, a nicely rendered unit Mr. B

    1. Glad you approve! How are the Patagonians progressing?

  4. Very nice, that drummer looks keen.

    1. Thanks George! The drummer troubled me, he looks more like an AWI figure or even an ACW type I feel.

  5. Lovely looking unit, I rather like the drummer!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I've been painting the same drummer earlier for the second Militia unit, I don't like it any more than I did the first time.

  6. Very nice David...
    I agree with you on the drummer... maybe flattening the crown of the hat a bit might give it more of an early 19th century feel.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I wished I'd thought of that, especially as I've just done the drummer for the second unit!!!!
