Saturday 22 February 2020

Canadian Voltigeurs - a trial base

Just a quick blog entry to show any interested passers by my first go at painting the Brigade Games Canadian Voltigeurs. As the main part of the unit will be based 3 figures to each 40x50mm MDF base, I opted to paint 2 of the figures for the 40mm round base of skirmishers ~

I wanted to try a couple first before starting on the main bases of the unit because I was unsure how I might tackle what is essentially quite a subdued uniform. The bulk of the rank and file are in Foundry Granite shade, highlighted lightly with the mid shade. All the boots, gaiters, straps, accoutrements and headgear are black! I used Charcoal Black mid to highlight the gaiters and head gear, Slate Grey shade to highlight the rest. A little relief comes with the haversack in Arctic Grey shade, picked out in Boneyard light, with the water canteen in Union Trouser Blue shade, highlighting it with the mid tone, and the canteen's strap in Deep leather shade, highlighting in the light shade. The musket is Foundry Musket Stock Brown shade picked out lightly in the light shade. The metal work is Blackened Barrel light picked out in Metal light.
I've three more ready for the highlighting phases, when I have a spare hour this weekend, and two more with the flesh and gunmetal base coats blocked in. I still hope to finish these this month, but it will be tight.


  1. Very nice David...
    One of my favourite War of 1812 units...
    Some may say a somber uniform... I say workman like and efficient ..

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, much appreciated. Three more finished now!

  2. Ideal colour for a bit of a scrimage.

  3. Well done David, superb vignette!

  4. Very nice indeed and always hard to make dark uniforms look good, but you've succeeded here!

  5. They look nice David and the dark uniform works well.


    1. Thanks for the encouragement Christopher.

  6. Good looking figures David, but not sure whats stuck on their heads.

    1. Glad you are pleased by my efforts! As to head gear, well, it's different...

  7. Good looking pair of skirmishers!
    Best Iain
