Friday 7 February 2020

A Gift for my VBCW collection

I was over at Phil's on Monday last for our weekly game when just as I was getting ready to leave for home he surprised me with an unexpected and generous gift in the shape of an FAA Vickers 6 ton tank. Never adopted by the British army, it's a perfect addition to my VBCW forces ~
As you can see it comes complete with a commander figure, who is sporting a 1930's style all leather cycling helmet! I'm undecided right now on the colour scheme for the tank, so any ideas welcomed, but it will be finding a home in the anti-government forces I'm sure. More on this as and when.
On the painting front I've made good progress with the US Militia I started on, with 10 of the 16 finished now and 2 more well underway. I've also been sorting through my box of spare War of 1812 figures and have found 4 to make an additional Command stand for the US force. After all, you can never have too many commanders!


  1. I love inter-war armour. So quirky. That is a lovely gift.

    1. You should ask Colin Rumford about my tank identification skills...

  2. Lovely little 6 ton tank! What a nice gift!
    Best Iain

  3. It's a very nice piece, made all the nicer by it being a gift.

    1. Unexpected, completely, so all the more wonderful.

  4. Very cool, maybe paint it up in one of those wonky interwar camouflaged skims.

    1. I will have to do some research in due course.

  5. That Phil Robinson is a really nice chap...

    I seem to remember seeing an example of a Vickers 6 ton in three colour camouflage which was quite similar to some of the WW1 patterns...
    Something to test your skills on...;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes he is, isn't he? As to skills you mention, well, you surely can't mean me...
