Sunday 6 October 2019

The Rockets' Red Glare... they sped through the air. Well, I'm sure you get my drift there. The latest additions to my War of 1812-15 expansion project in the form of a 32lb rocket battery of Royal Marine Artillery ~

As I mentioned in an earlier post I picked these up from Eagle Miniatures at Colours last month. The owner kindly exchanging the RHA crew figures for RA gunners and officers.
I removed the heads and replaced them with some spares from Trent Miniatures, from the Artificer sets. Now, they are not quite right, but close enough for me in a game. Different sources in print and on the web show the gunners in blue jackets and the officers and sergeants in British scarlet and red, with the additional difference of the gunners having either a fatigue cap or artillery style stovepipe shako. I chose to portray my gunner figures in Marine hats though, just to emphasize their provenance. Doesn't bother me, but no doubt some lace freak just exploded somewhere...
In addition to the two 32lb rocket frames and their crews, I wanted a small command vignette base. So far that comprises two officer figures and a couple of additional rockets. I'm trying to source a rocket caisson for the base, so more of that in a later post I expect.
Meanwhile, as Sue is away for a week's R&R with her sister, I'm indulging in a bit of rebasing of my War of 1812-15 figures; the Canadian Militia and the American Rifles and Volunteer Militias. So far it's three Canadian Militia and four US units rebased on new MDF bases at a cost of one tube of UHU glue and several sore finger tips!


  1. Not a weapon I would fancy firing, very nice addition.

  2. Gorgeous rockets David, a successfull conversion work!

  3. Very nice artillery piece. I like the look of the crew too.

    1. I'm pleased myself with how it turned out!

  4. they sped through the air.

    Have a care for we know not where.

    Nicely done Mr. B

    1. Think I used up my lifetime of hits the last time we used one?

  5. A great addition and depending on what rules you follow, they can be a lot of random fun. I prefer scatter dice but each to their own.

    1. Many thanks. No doubt I may hit something, but what?

  6. Very nice, will you need some special rules for these ? An empty house is a good time to catch upon some of those bigger hobby tasks👍

    1. Thanks Matt. All rebased and textured, just static grass to do next

  7. A very nice addition to your collection David...
    I wouldn’t worry about the lace freaks... though they will probably detonate with more accuracy than these health and safety nightmares...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! I think you may be right too.

  8. Lovely piece David IF only you had painted the uniforms correctly, I think that shade of red didnt come into use until late summer 1801.

    1. One of the more amusing responses I've received here over the years! Well done!

  9. Very nice, rebasing, the wargamers nightmare.

    1. Perversely I enjoy rebasing as it brings older units into the more modern look.

  10. Nice,rickety bits of kit, the gunners look suitably workmanlike to me!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! In truth they were fiddly rather than rickety!
