Monday 28 October 2019

Canadian Militia Officers

The latest additions to my War of 1812-15 expansion project are two mounted officers to form a Command stand for my Canadian Militia regiments. The figures are from Perry Miniatures, the top hatted figure from the British in Egypt range and the ADC from the later period Napoleonic range I think ~

At the moment I have three Militia units in my Anglo-Canadian army. I have another two in the painting queue at present, both sporting the iconic top hats - which seem to have struck a chord with visitors to earlier posts on this theme.
The first of these is from Foundry and its just made its way on to the painting desk, while the second is by Knuckleduster and is a little bit further back in the queue for its turn under the brush. As I mentioned in an early reply to a comment I've bitten the bullet and ordered some more American figures from Foundry to make two additional infantry Militia regiments. Perhaps next year I'll add some more Militia in hunting frocks, I'll have to see how the hands, eyes and bank account hold up!


  1. Very nice work and I love the dynamic of this command stand.

    1. Thank you Steve, it turned out ok in the end I think.

  2. Fine looking command! Interesting to see the bobbed horse tails.

  3. Robinson's rolled a blunder again Sir!

  4. Lovely toys David...

    I think he is saying... look I can wave my hat.... can you?

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you and Nil Points for the 'joke'!

  5. Nice new uniforms there, impressive officers.

    1. Will they be impressive under fire though?
