Tuesday 1 October 2019

Additional US Infantry for 1812

The disruption to time spent at the painting desk caused by redecoration, allied to a few days away which Sue and I enjoyed up in Matlock, Derbyshire ~ where we met as students in 1968 ~ means that it's taken an unusually long time to complete the next addition to my War of 1812-15 expansion, in the form of the 5th US Infantry. These are Foundry figures, sculpted by chum Aly Morrison back in the day. The bases are from Warbases, of course, and the flags from Warflag's free site.

Mentioning flags brings me to the fine sheets of flags for this war produced by Adrian's Walls. At £10 for several flags, both for the Anglo-Canadians and the US Regulars and Volunteers/Militia, they look good value. That is until you add in £6 postage and packing. Are they having a laugh? Well, not at the expense of my pocket! A few minutes searching the net and a few more on desk top publishing and I have two A4 sized sheets of flags for the Militias from New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and New Jersey. Cost? Well free but for a tad of Lazer jet ink and paper I suppose!

Next in line for the project is a battery of 32lb rockets on the ladder frame. I got these from Eagle Figures at Colours. The owner kindly swapped the RHA figures for RA figures for me. Off with the heads last Sunday and new heads added from Trent Miniatures and in my book they will pass on the table for RM Artillerymen!
After these I have more Foundry figures in the shape of New York Militia in Round Hats. I've converted a spare drummer via a head swap and bodged a standard bearer from the pointing officer in Round Hat. After these, the 100th and the 1st Foot for the Anglo-Canadian forces. It keeps me off the streets or from chasing loose women I suppose...


  1. Another very nice unit David and the home made flags look great.

    1. Thanks Steve, they seemed to take forever though.

  2. Wonderful painting and flags David!

  3. Well you are still making steady progress David, I look forward to the White House being in flames.

    1. Steady is about my best pace now, sadly.

  4. Very nice, though they could be better..........
    They could be British ;~)

  5. Lovely work, great looking flags!
    Best Iain

  6. That postage and packing really annoys me as paper flags should be no more than the cost of an envelope and a normal stamp, large letter at the most. And for £3 you can sent something in size akin to a large pillow and 2kg in weight! Robbery.

    1. Your expertise is very relevant here. He lost a sale because of that!
