Monday 1 July 2019

The Kindness of Friends...

...both material and ethereal. I've been meaning to write this particular blog post for a few weeks, but you know what things are like I expect. First one thing, then another and before you know it it's some other distraction drawing your attention away! Anyway, an end to blathering and excuses, on to what I have in mind to share with you.
Now, wargamers; well,we are an odd assortment really and are much misunderstood by the muggles outside our hobby. Even within our hallowed cloisters we are a very mixed bunch. I have to be honest, I've met more than a few I wouldn't like to be stuck in a lift with! Notwithstanding my personal perspectives, you've only to frequent a forum board or three to realise that it's impossible to satisfy some no matter what you might do or say. A broad church doesn't even come close to fitting us all as a descriptor.
One thing though does shine through even the most Stygian gloom of our hobby, and that's the unconditional kindness of gamers. Ask a question, however obscure, and in a twinkling someone will pop up with just the answer you were after. Got a problem finding a book or figure? Someone's sure to come along with what you need.
Now quite recently I've been the recipient of just such kindness, both from friends in the GHQ Irregulars and from friends I've only ever met in forum conversation. I ran out of MDF bases and was low on static grass. Bother! No need to worry, Phil gave me both requisites. I was discussing my 15mm proposed project with Jon and moaning about the dearth of suitable cheap buildings for 1980's Germany. A few weeks later he arrives with a large box. Opening it I found a host of prepainted 1980's scale buildings. Enough for a town, a couple of villages and some farms. He just happened to have them to spare! An unexpected couple of parcels arrived in the mail a few months apart, from Tim Hall who I've never met but who I chat with in a forum context from time to time. The first was packed with surplus Renaissance figures, now in my Italian Wars army, and the second with all sorts of figure genres, all but a couple which fitted in with ongoing projects.
My point, you ask? Well, casting your bread on the waters was always a good move in my experience, karma if you like. A kindness from a friend, or stranger, strengthens the bonds which hold us together in our hobby. It predisposes us to reciprocate with a kindness of our own, I know it has me at any rate. Just wanted to share this with you. Back to painting the 16th US infantry regiment now for the War of 1812 expansion project...


  1. David so true and you embody that wonderful ethos yourself....😀

    1. That is kind of you to say so. I do what I can believing it all helps us forward.

  2. Indeed. We have to remember it far outweighs any meanness out there.

    1. Sadly the meaness is what usually grabs the headlines.

  3. Good point, well made and I agree with you entirely!
    Best Iain

  4. One of the great strengths of the 'blogosphere' is the willingness that people have to share what they do without condition and the politeness that abounds.

    1. You are right there Norm. I'm sorry Phil didn't introduce us at Phoenix.

  5. Always lovely to read about kind 'donations' such as these.

  6. I concur and would like to echo Matt Crump's sentiments as I received your letter today, many thanks.

    1. Thank you George. I'm glad my card arrived safely. Enjoy!

  7. I agree with you David...
    There is indeed a lot of kindness ,generosity and support in our hobby... I have made many friends and met many lovely people over the years... blogging has also shown me that there is good sized and active community of gamers out there who are prepared share their experiences and advice freely and happily.
    The negative side may get the headlines... but these days the headlines don’t really last that long...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I seem to have struck a chord amongst my fellow hobbyists which pleases me and encourages me for our hobby's future too. Sadly though, the clowns and loud mouths still steal the headlines...

  8. Very true David that you find quite a few kind gamers in the wargaming world.


    1. And they need to be nurtured carefully.
