Monday 8 July 2019

New Unit Syndrome

At Phil's request when we gathered in GHQ for our regular Monday game we set to replaying the War of 1812 scenario which Jon and I had played last week. Over twelve turns the game ebbed and flowed, with the fortunes of war favouring first the Anglo-Canadians, under Lord Rawnsley's command, and then the Americans, lead by old 'Mere Marching' Bykleigh. By the end of the twelve designated turns neither army was the clear victor, but with the Americans having burned two farms and still on Canadian territory. We agreed a draw, but a winning one for the Americans.
One notable feature, at least for me, was the dreadful performance of my most recently painted units, the 16th and the 33rd US Infantry: the former routing, the latter failing to march to the sound of the guns! To cap it all, the new Brigade Command element, allocated to lead the Militia Brigade failed to move his command on the left flank for five turns! That probably cost me the game with hindsight.

It just may be the hobby equivalent of an urban myth, but I can't help but feel that perhaps those ‘Dice gods’ like to teach the newly painted units their place!


  1. I like the look of your game! Urban Myth, for sure. I put a recently painted regiment of Sardinian grenadiers into their first battle three weeks ago and they carried all before them.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, but it's 2-1 against you at present!

  2. Lovely table as always. New units often treat their first battle as some sort of passing out parade.

    By the way, if you have a WORKS retail store near you, yesterday, I found mine to have a bag of plywood wooden discs of various useful sizes (40mm down to penny size) for £2 in the craft section and 'Natural wooden pieces' for £1, which are basically thick twigs in 2" lengths and look like they will make a useful log pile.

    1. Thanks for the kind sentiments Norm, and the heads up on The Works.

  3. Ah yes, the new unit curse. David I know its not a myth but immutable wargaming law, up there with wargamers will always occupy every wood, hill and building no matter where it is on the table.Lovely game by the way.

    1. Glad your experiences match mine with NUS!

  4. A fair old set to, most enjoyable. Completely different but for the tardiness of your left and my right flank brigades I dare say. With respect to the new unit that routed it did weather the storm of lead thrown at for some time to be fair.

    1. I enjoyed the game thoroughly but those new units need to up their game!

  5. Don't know what all the fuss is. If they fail me then they go on eBay hahaha

    1. I do not have your depth of resources though...

    2. If I did that I'd have no troops at all 😉🤣🤣🤣

  6. New unit curse is without doubt the truth... and how do you also explain that certain units that are unlucky however old they are??? :o)

    1. I have whole armies in that category!

  7. It does seem like that doesn't it with new units anyhow another wonderful looking game!


  8. Lovely looking game! A draw? So the last two games a win for Phil and a draw? (However the Americans spin it!) Is the tide turning?
    Best Iain

    1. Sadly, after next week there will be a month long hiatus, so it may not survive the waiting...

  9. Another lovely looking game and I've had mixed fortunes with newly raised units; from absolutely shocking to the stars of the show!

  10. I firmly believe in the "new unit curse." Well, if it had to happen to some one, at least it was the 16th. In our reenacting circles, we call them "Pickle Pants" - they wear black coatees with green trousers!

    1. The 16th fled, the 33rd wouldn't advance, the new Brigade Commander's rolls failed!

  11. Splendid looking battle David with a tremendous spread of figures and units.😀

    1. Thanks Matt! I've just finished a further addition too!

  12. Another great looking game David...
    I wouldn’t mind if it was ‘only’ my new units that ran away...but sadly they will just get swamped by the mass of the routing army... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

  13. Very nice. Most units tend to recover from NUS but there are always some that remain dodgy (my Franks and 39th NY for instance) while others will fight to the last man. I once had a medieval French unit which other players avoided due to their success on the battlefield, happy days.

    1. I don’t I don’t know how remember all that from one game to the next, I certainly don’t. I think I’m just living in the moment of each game or else I just play too many periods here in GHQ.
