Thursday 2 May 2019

The Battle of Bushbury

Jon was unexpectedly available for a game this week and as the ECW armies were still out on the table in GHQ I set about reconfiguring the terrain and forces for a second ECW battle with Pike & Shotte rules.
Following the Royalist defeat at the Battle of Coven Heath Lord Rawnsley has been replaced as commanding general by the king’s order with Lord Walton. Hurrying from his manor near Stafford, Lord Walton assesses the situation quickly. With an inferior forces, he decides to fortify the hamlet of Bushbury and await Obadiah Bykleigh’s response...
Obadiah Bykleigh oversees the deployment of his forces.

Talbot's and the Oxford Foote hurry to their defensive positions under the
eyes of Lord Walton and his entourage.

On his right, Obadiah Bykleigh's attack has stalled - failed Command Rolls
plagued both sides as the game unfolded!

Light Artillery comes up in support of Talbot's Foote.

Royalist Horse impetuously moves forward on Lord Walton's left flank.

The first cavalry melee is indecisive. John Hampden's Foote nervously await

Astonishingly the Royalist attacks are halted by Parliamentary Horse! For now

Sadly the fortunes of war deserted Parliament's Horse! I just knew it could n't
last: the Horse fled, the Foote stalled and the artillery could n't hit a barn door!
A view of the Royalist centre. Dismounted Horse support the Foote lining the

John Hampden's Foote drawn up in battle.

In two games a total of four Blunder's adversely affected this one unit! It must
be cursed!

Sir Marmeduke Gaylord Robinson's Foot supporting the Royalist Heavy
Artillery. Each side's Heavy guns were limited to three shots in the game.

Fairfax's Foote is all but destroyed by the Royalists before Obadiah Bykleigh's

A very satisfied Lord Walton, supported by the Bishop of Lichfield and
guarded by his Lifeguard of Horse, surveys the battlefield. Obadiah's forces
must regroup once more and steel themselves for the next encounter.
All in all a super game which swung back and forth as well as showing us how much of  Pike & Shotte we still have to take on board. During the game I only took the first eight pictures as we got absorbed in the unfolding battle. The remainder are rather atmospheric shots of the action I took before clearing away for the next game later in May, a 1940 game trying Bolt Action with my expanded forces for the period.


  1. Glad I dropped in on the off chance. A splendid collection. I take it that these are the same basings that you use for your own rules that you used for the seige of Blandings?

    1. You are correct Graham, glad you enjoyed your visit.

  2. Flendid looking game and result.

    Rawnfley, Exile

  3. Once again a very fine looking table indeed David!


  4. Simply lovely David. Its good to see other wargamers attract large numbers of blunders.

    1. Blunders Are Us! Usually it's Disorder when I play BP, so this made a change in P&S!

  5. So many lovely units on a single table, must have been a great game, even if you're cursed!

    1. It was a grand game, and a steep learning curve!

  6. Excellent report, great pictures and beautiful table.

  7. Great looking game, whatever the result!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. All encouragement is welcome.

  8. A lovely looking game David... as always.

    All the best. Aly.

    1. Thanks Aly, that's very kind. Perhaps you'd come over for a game sometime?

  9. Splendid game Avid I do like your ECW collection .....🙂
