Thursday 11 April 2019

Volunteers of Ireland for the AWI

As I mentioned previously I’ve been working on another infantry unit for my AWI expansion project, in this case the Volunteers of Ireland. The figures are by Perry Miniatures and the flags are by Flags of War. For painting ease they are fixed with PVA to 60mm hexagonal bases from Warbases. I had to do a partial repaint after I’d finished two bases worth of the figures when I realised I’d painted the shirts and neck stock red in error! Age and eyesight issues I’m afraid.
The unit is four bases strong, making it a Regular sized unit in our Black Powder games. This is a historical accident on my part, with the original forces being built up from the Front Rank Army Starter boxes. Our forces have Regular sized units of three or four bases, Large sized with five or six, and Small sized with two. For the interested a gun battery is represented by one model gun and three or four crew, usually. Anyway, enough wittering on, here they are for your perusal ~

Next up in the expansion project are two mounted British command figures in cut down coats. After those are added to the done pile it’s a mounted American officerofollowed by a unit in a mix of hunting shirts and uniform coats. These are a mix of  Perry Miniatures and older Wargames Foundry figures, also sculpted by the Perry's.


  1. A wonderful looking regiment David and the 2,4,5 is the same that I do for unit sizes in Black Powder as it allows one to finish units a little quicker and have enough room on your table to fit quite a few units and have room to maneuver.


    1. Thanks for the endorsement Christopher.

  2. Turned out a treat did those, Sur.

  3. A nice looking unit David...

    I like the harps...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly,sadly not all the same size or shape, but I tried hard and am satisfied.

  4. Very nice as usual, your eyes are better than mine, good job on the lace.

    1. My optician provides me with a pair of close focus glasses for figure painting. Plus, mistakes can always be painted over if you can see them.

  5. Very nice. Nit a unit upu see very much on the table top.

    1. Thanks Ray, the very reason I chose to paint them!

  6. Good work David.......will look great on the table. AWI reamains a project for the future for me..almost certainly based on Perry range as I have been impressed by their ACW range

    1. Thanks Matt. The AWI is well served by many manufacturers, so you'll have great choice. I don't much like the Perry figures myself, poorly cast (or sculpted perhaps?) Preferring the Foundry incarnation of their work, though it's not really a full range.

    2. Lovely looking unit! I too like the harps and also the officer is excellent!
      Best Iain

    3. Thank you Iain, glad to know that folk think my efforts are ok. All encouragement keeps me focused on doing what I can.
