Sunday 31 March 2019

A stable block from Warbases

Continuing with my earlier declared theme of adding generic, useful terrain and building items to the resources available in GHQ I've managed to complete the Warbases wooden stable block. It's a kit of 19 parts and really needs no instructions in order for it to be assembled ready for painting.

Unlike every other kit I've had from them though, this one actually needed just a little work to fit together, in the form of trimming the upright post supports for the roof front in order for them to fit the precut holes in the MDF base.
I also made a mistake in the assembly stage of these roof supports, gluing them into place before I'd checked the fit under the roof edge! They are short in places by a millimetre!

The roof is two plain MDF sheets which don't really overlap the walls' sides as I'd like. I remedied this when fixing some tiling sheets to the roof ( I had them left over from my Oshiro buildings you see in our VBCW games). They also allow the covering of the gap at the roofs' apex. I’m unsure as to what I might add next, perhaps it’s a case of having a mooch about at Carronade and Partizan to see if anything stands out for me. In the meantime if I have a craving for MDF I have the two 15mm barns I ordered at the same time as the stable block!

Oh, and I nearly forgot, I've rebases a tent I was given by the late Peter Bradford. It's probably an old Ian Weekly Battleground piece as its in light expanded foam. Anyway, it's a welcome addition to GHQ and a little reminder of a hobby stalwart who has gone on before us.


  1. Dandy looking stables and nicely based memorial piece.

    1. Obviously not up to your standards, but consistent with my other stuff. It will do duty in different theatres I'm sure too.

  2. Well those worked out a treat David.


  3. Another useful all-rounder of a terrain piece and the same goes for the rebased tent!
    Best Iain

    1. What to do next, that’s the question, keeping it useful over different eras and theatres.
