Saturday 10 November 2018

Reviewing the Lead Pimple

I’ve been mulling over a new project for 2019, having raised funds by selling off my 20mm Vietnam Wars collection recently. In the light of that thought I took a few moments to review the contents of the Lead Pimple here in GHQ. Here's what I found in stock in the three Really Useful boxes which I use to store the units in various stages of preparation to join the painting queue ~

Box 1 contains the Foundry/Casting Room Miniatures SYW figures I bought earlier in the year, along with a Cran Tara Ecossaise regiment to expand that game. Two new cavalry units, one French, one British; two new infantry regiments, Clare and the 23rd Foot{besides Ecossaise}; four new Command stands - three French and one British.
Box 2 contains my recent Foundry AWI purchase - 2nd Maryland, Loyalist Militia and Continental Dragoons; three Dixon Miniatures ACW regiments I bought last year; a Tsuba Miniatures band, Footsore medics for the VBCW and 1st Corps Vet and Farmer.
Box 3 contains the remnants of my FRW project: a regiment of Trent Miniatures British Light Dragoons and some Scots Greys, still waiting for a Command set!!!!! There's also a tent I picked up and a spare French cannon. 
In all that's about six months worth of painting I'd guess, making a new project seem a bit superfluous at least for now. Perhaps I shall wait and see how the year runs out before I decide what to do? Thoughts are always welcome. In the meantime, some Italian Wars Command stands to finish off first.


  1. Not much in the pimple then David. I do like the way you mount all the units waiting to be completed s it means, I guess, that it’s less likely to forget what you’ve got. I will pinch that idea methinks.

    1. You may borrow the idea with my blessing Colin, it works well for me in keeping track and organising my painting schedules. I guess your Pimple is significantly larger, so more boxes will be required!

  2. That's a very organised lead pile.

    1. Been like this since I were a boy! Can’t abide mess, chaos and disorganisation.

  3. Nice collection of figures to paint, I'm currently on a no more purchases phase, since last Salute,until at least the next salute, I've got a couple of years worth I guess! Do you base your figures on the mdf and paint them four to a base? I'm intrigued and always interested to see other people's techniques, never too late to learn!
    Best Iain

    1. I mount them this way just for storage Iain, I mount individually for painting on whitetacked Humbrol lids for Foot figures and MDF off cts for Mounted, guns and equipment. I find knowing the layout helps me arrive at the look I want when I’m painting up units. It’s especially useful for Confrderates and for the Italian Wars I’ve found.

  4. Very nice discipline that is what I need , although I am not as bad as some. Your pimple is in fact just a slight blemish. All nice figures of course🙂 are you sure you are not hiding other stuff it isn’t uncommon for wargamers to do this ! I find it quite a joy to uncover a packet of something I had forgotten I had 🤪

    1. A blemish? That’s a tad hard on we poor pensioners Matt 😉 But I can say hand on heart there is nothing hidden from view, I have no need of such deception.

  5. Very tidy David...
    I also keep my slightly larger lead pimple in my cellar.
    I have an annual review and purge... if I haven’t looked at it in over a year there is a good chance it will go....Dave A received a large amount of Romans last year from this... which he has now painted.

    All the best. Aly

    1. A basement full of RUBs crammed with unpainted figures? I could not face that...

    2. Alas your imagination far exceeds my abilities...
      Tis but one shelf filled with only moderately useful boxes ...


    3. You credit me with an amazing level of imagination then!

  6. That's a considerable hump of lead for you to have.

    1. Hump to you, Pimple to me, Blemish to Matt. We are nothing but odd we wargamers are we?
