Saturday 3 November 2018

Billy No Mates

I've been passing the time since finishing my Palazzo project for the Italian Wars project painting various outstanding pieces from the Lead Pimple. With Phil away for a few days and Jon not due for a week for our regular monthly game I’ve been free to dabble unencumbered by the need to prep a game. The result has been pleasing progress on odd figures or bases of figures for various projects. Basing up the Warlord BEF infantry Ian painted for me provided a background task when I didn’t feel like picking up a brush. (You can see the result if you missed them two blogs previous to this.)
Keeping with the Italian Wars theme, I’ve painted another base of TAG Mounted crossbowmen, this time choosing the ‘At Rest’ pose; you may recall that I didn’t much care for the firing ones! TAG figures seem to love the paint, although I might wish the horses were sculpted in a bit more relief to help the old eyes! Here they are anyway ~
I also managed a piece of TAG Medium Ordnance and a crew of four figures, not the most interesting poses though! Unlike the Light Ordnance I’d painted earlier my gun came with no extras, leaving the base a bit sparse for me. I shall have to rectify that on another occasion if opportunity presents itself ~
Continuing the Italian Wars theme I’ve painted the Foundry Collectable Mounted Knight Jon so kindly gave me and base’s him to be a General in any future Pike & Shotte Games in the Italian Wars genre. I’ve also bought figures from TAG to make up three more Command bases with the same thought in mind ~
Leaving those to one side for now I had the Perry Miniatures AWI 16th Light Dragoons skirmishing languishing in the Pimple. They are an example of something I bought on a whim as I liked the figures without any idea of how I was going to utilise them in my games! Fired up by painting several Foundry units, featured in earlier blog posts, I decided they would make a Small Unit base of cavalry in Black Powder terms. Following on from Giles’ lead (See his wonderful Tarleton’s Quarter Blog) I’ve created a suitable Loyalist unit, the Woodbridge Light Dragoons commanded by Major Moore of Irish descent. I’ve also got six figures of the 16th in the more usual poses and indeed they are next up for painting ~
As a terrain interest filler I also completed a Romany fortune teller vignette I bought back in June at Barrage in Stafford. It was sold as a Reaper figure, but if it is its a fairly crude one. I added an Irregular cauldron and tripod owner a fire I already had and a fairly crude cat sculpt Phil managed to source at Colours ~
Finally, a Warbases Dovecote, a piece of terrain of so many period applications I felt it was silly not to have one ~
Now, two games to look forward to next week! WWI at Phil’s on Monday and ACW here in GHQ on Wednesday with Jon. Meanwhile, back to the Lead Pimple Reduction project! 


  1. Lovely figures David, good to see the Italian wars project developing. Popped into town this morning and picked up a copy of Wargames illustrated. A double spread of GHQ 😀 all looks very tidy, much tidier than the dungeon ! Still can’t work out what Phil is pointing at in the water perhaps the ideal location for an artillery battery ?

    1. I was always tidy, even as a small child I was told. No doubt it is a sign of some deep seated psychosis. The shot with Phil pointing is a result of Dan’s instruction to point to something, an Express & Star shot we’d call it here!

  2. Nice work there, always good to tie up loose ends.

  3. Very nice work again David and you keep me mulling over trying Italian Wars.


    1. Go on, have a go, you know it’s what’s next!

  4. A fine selection of toys David...
    I particularly like the dragoons and the Dovecote.

    All the best. Aly

  5. Very eclectic Mr.B. Still if it keeps you out of the bars and off the streets. I'm looking forward to Wednesday's bash.

    1. Still hard at those loose ends! See you Wednesday!

  6. A very diverse group of figures David. I especially like the Tag Italian cavalry. I really should get some of them.No doubt you will already have some, but the small Steel Fist range of knights make great commanders for the Italian Wars.Anyway well done with the painting.

    1. Thanks Robbie. I have some of their Foot Knights but no Mounted ones. I’m just making use of the flags you sent me on some Command stands to try Pike & Shotte.

  7. Lovely Italian wars general, crossbow men and artillery,I like your loyalist horse and the fortune teller and dovecote are great fun!
    Best Iain

  8. Great work DB, I hope she keeps that cat away from polite company.

    1. I will have nothing said against Phoebe!
