Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Palazzo Progress Report #5

Phil arrived very early on Monday with a view to undertaking the final dry brushing of all the constituent parts of my Palazzo build. For this we are using a Crown Emulsion Test pot of Lime Wash, which cost 50p! I had in preparation washed all parts with a watered down Games Workshop Seraphim Brown, which dried a very pale urine colour if I’m truthful ~
As I said, a pale urine colour, obtained by watering down the GW wash, 2/3
wash, 1/3 water. The Crown Lime Wash tester is 50p at Homebase.

Phil hard at work drybrushing the tower. In all it took him about two hours
to complete the whole Palazzo to his satisfaction. Me? I was on coffee duty!

The buildings are all drybrushed to perfection! The Wills plastic Flagstone
Flooring is all glued into place with UHU. I had one spare sheet so I cut it
into small rectangles to level off the buildings where the stone sheets were
not right under them.
The next phase will be to paint in the windows I added to blank walls, black or dark brown I think, and then to paint the base colour on the window frames, gates, and doors. The shutters can be added then, fixed with UHU again and painted too. For the woodwork I plan to use Foundry Bay Brown Light and lightly drybrush with the same company's Spearshaft Shade. The colour idea I got from a recent episode of Grand Designs, one in which some Londoners with money to burn had bought a ruined Italian hill top castle to restore ~ took them seven years by the way! It was in the end a really useful programme and interesting too. If you think Planning in the UK is a messy process, thank God you are not in Italy! In case you are wondering by the way about the statue on the plinth, its at Phil's getting a coat of Satin varnish!


  1. It was a pleasure to work on, it will look particularly fine when all the detailing is done. A well planned and executed Grand Design.

    1. On target and under budget as it says below!

  2. Thats a really nice piece David. Now you only need to build a model of Castel d'angelo and you have cracked it.

    1. You win today's prize for the most amusing reply!

  3. Just gorgeous! The urine colour might have been historical, but the dry brushing looks wonderful. Providing coffee while someone else paints my terrain? Sign me up!

  4. What a lovely job! The lime dry brush over the urine wash works really well,unlike grand designs your on budget and ahead of schedule by about two months!
    Best Iain

    1. A most fortuitously timed programme for my project I thought!

  5. This is a very good job !
    Big Bravo !

  6. Not going to ask how you got the pale urine colour......but the nearly finished article looks great 🙂

    1. Jet lag obviously hindered you reading the text!

  7. Replies
    1. And at the last stages now too thank goodness!

  8. That’s looking great David....
    I am pleased to see that you brought in sub contractors to do the tedious bits.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Its not what you know, but who that helps the hobby along I find!
