Sunday 19 August 2018

Landsknecht halberdiers

As I’ve mentioned previously I bought a load of early Citadel/Foundry Landsknechts at Barrage back in June. After sorting through them at home and making up another pike block from the two packs, together with the remaining Warlord Games standing pikemen from the mixed poses set, I had enough spare figures to make up this base of Halberdiers ~

These figures were sculpted by one or both of the Perry twins back in the day I believe. They won’t thank me for saying but the work is far superior to the stuff they churn out nowadays in my opinion, and the casting is far cleaner! Sometimes it seems things were better in the good old days!

I’ve also made a start on the final Landsknecht unit, the third pike block I mentioned at the beginning of this post. I’ve finished four pikemen already and I’ve also got some paint on several others. Not much progress though over the weekend as I was out at the football on Saturday and at The Other Partizan today.


  1. Colourful attired chaps with big choppers there David.

  2. Dare I say horses for courses...

    Nice and Stabby...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Of course you can say that! We all have opinions and it’d be a dull old place if we all agreed!

  3. Nice, I yearn for the good old days.

  4. Nice looking regiment of halberdiers David! Foundry figures are to my experience always well cast as for Perry figures not so much which is a shame as the sculpting is quite good.


    1. I’m glad of your support for my views on casting Christopher.

  5. Lovely looking landsknechts, Foundry's casting is cleaner but I guess you pay for it?
    Best Iain

    1. This Foundry = Expensive idea is old news out of time Iain. But, more importantly, my grandma taught me you get what you pay for in life.
