Thursday 30 August 2018

A bit of a thumping, and no mistake...

At the last minute Jon had to cancel our last Wednesday evening game a couple of weeks ago now, a big disappointment for both of us. Rather than clear away the Wars of the French Revolution game I’d planned, using Black Powder as the rules and pitting early Revolutionary French against Austrians, Phil agreed we’d simply play it on our regular Monday slot. Now in its turn that was almost two weeks ago now! Some family trauma has delayed any hobby activity since, but now things are back on an even keel I have time to share some pictures of the game.
The game saw both sides battling for control of a strategic bridge crossing an otherwise unfordable river. Phil commanded the Austrians and I took the French for this game. As is usual a few photos to try and capture the flavour of the game as it ebbed and flowed over six turns ~
The opening move: French Infantry head en mass for the bridge while their
cavalry are hesitant. The Austrian cavalry moves slowly forward under fire
from the French Horse Artillery battery.

French Infantry drive off one Austrian infantry regiment and another attacks
the Grenadiers in the flank. How I lost that melee I will never know!

French Dragoons rout after charging a square and suffering heavily from
Closing and Passing Fire!

The French have been driven back across the bridge. Shaken and Disordered
they loose the Melee!

"FollowMe!"Austrian Cuirassiers charge the French Horse Artillery battery
and, of course, over run them and sabre the gunners!

Austrian Chasseurs charge the French Hussar brigade with the by now almost
inevitable outcome! 

Their Sweeping Advance carries them into the supporting regiment with a
sadly similar outcome!! On their flank the Cuirassiers charge into the French
Heavy Cavalry.

One rout becomes...

...two routs! The French left flank is turned and with Three Broken Brigades
the French Army cannot advance so victory is to the Austrians.

The victorious Austrian commander surveys the field of battle! The victory
was overwhelming in the end, the Austrians not even loosing one unit!
We hope we shall manage to fit in a game on Monday, but that is very much dependant on events beyond our immediate control. If we can we plan a second Italian Wars game to test out our mash up rules I've mentioned before. In the meantime, its back to Landsknecht pikemen whenever I get a free moment or two!


  1. Tremendous as ever David. BP work really well and give a great game. Certainly a most decisive victory for the Austrians, which makes a change. Keep at it and happy wargaming.

    1. Thanks Colin! Definitely one of my memorable trouncings!

  2. A splendid game with splendid toys, at one point I felt I was on the back foot, but that's the beauty of Black Powder, you cannot take anything for granted.

    1. As you say, the real joy of BP is it’s unpredictable outcomes.

  3. "Follow me courageous Austrians!" What a bad day for a French player...and what a nice report!

    1. Indee, Madame Guillotine was working overtime in the aftermath.

  4. I've not used the B.P. Rules but they seem to give a decisive outcome, well done to the Austrians. Commiserations to the French.
    Nice looking game.

    1. We have largely moved over to BP, as it gives the kind of game we enjoy.

  5. Lovely looking game. With BP, I always smile when reading an account of slow (or none) moving units, usually cavalry and then the announcement of a ‘follow me’ order. I can almost hear the playing screaming at the lethargic troops :-)

    1. Thanks Norm! Mine were so lethargic they even failed my “Follow me!” Command rolls!

  6. Thankfully those kind of battles are few and far between, usually we can spin something out of them. Lovely looking game.

    1. The only thing I can spin out of that thumping is that the army looked fine on the table!

  7. A splendid looking game...
    Unfortunately a result that I am all to used to myself...
    May the dice gods shine on you next time...

    All the best. Aly

    1. The Dice Gods love us not Aly, we just have to get on with it!

  8. Lovely looking game, two great looking armies, the bridge looks just right, you can't always be all conquering, you have to give the other guy a break every now and again, especially if he's Austrian! Looking forward to your Italian wars game, have fun with your landsknechts, you and me both!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks for the endorsement Iain! The Landsknechts are finished by the way!

  9. I wouldnt be too downhearted David, there is a certain pleasure? in defeat especially a really bad one.

    1. I agree Robbie! A good thrashing now and then cleanses the soul!

  10. Wonderful game as always David and hopefully the lovely pictures take some of the pain off getting overrun!


    1. I was stuffed! End of! But still a grand game in great company!
