Sunday 15 July 2018

Who would have thought it?

A small milestone is reached today for Tales From GHQ in the shape of this Blog post, the 500th since I made the transition to blogging after an earlier Freewebs based gallery style incarnation. I would never have thought when I published my first blog entry on 29th November 2011 that I would still be publishing some seven years later, not to mention that I would have garnered 230 interested souls along the way as Followers, nor achieved over 250,000 hits ~ thank you Mr Putin by the way! It’s proved an interesting, frustrating, uplifting and enjoyable way to chronicle all I’ve been up to in our glorious hobby, to meet new friends - both real and cyber, to find new ways of doing things and to share the joys we all experience from the many aspects of our shared interests - the historical research, the drawing up of lists, painting figures and ephemera, the sheer creativity of the hobby, but most of all the friendship. So what better way to celebrate than to feature my friends, and especially my life long friend Phil, in this milestone post?
Phil perusing Bull Run to Gettysburg before an ACW game in the original GHQ. 
Phil, Jon, yours truly, Martin and John on ‘Moving Day’ from GHQ Mk1 to GHQ Mark2.
Dan hard at work most recently taking photos to accompany my latest piece for Wargames Illustrated on gaming 1914 with Black Powder rules using in house developments.
There have been two incarnations of GHQ since I started my Blog, the original housed in the extension to our home and now the master bedroom, the current location a conversion from the garage giving me more storage and a larger table at 6’6” x 6’. Mind you, we are not above commandeering the dinning room table on occasions as you can see! You may see a little more of GHQ in the Autumn as it features in a short article on wargamers and their spaces in Wargames Illustrated. Meanwhile, who else but Phil would be expected tomorrow as we prepare to play out the 1914 game I set out for the photoshoot with Dan a couple of weeks ago?


  1. Congrats on your milestone and I for one enjoy following your blog very much so hope see another 500!


    1. Thanks very much Christopher, I shall do my very best not to disappoint.

  2. Congratulations on a milestone and for enthusing a whole bunch of fellow gamers with your table.

    1. Thank you Norm for that warm endorsement. It was always my hope that others would see my efforts and think, “I can do better than that, I must try...”

  3. Yes, congratulations and here's to 500 more! Thank you for all the interesting ideas and inspiration over the years.

    1. That is most kind William, if anything has helped folk along the way it was worth all the angst arising from Blogger and Photob*stard messing me about from time to time!

  4. Congratulations David in a strange twist of fate I am very close to my 500th post as well. Now I’ll have to do something’s special 😀

    1. Thanks Matt! Will you be at Claymore next month?

  5. Congratulations David. Keep 'em coming.

    1. Thanks Colin! I shall do my best to oblige.

  6. Hi Dave - I restarted wargaming about 5years ago and your blog was one I kept coming across when I was viewing things I found interesting over this period.

    I eventually found time to start following blogs this year and so I am pleased to be your 231st follower for your 500th post. What a milestone that is. Well done and congratulations all in one, and I hope you post at least another 500 in the next 6 and a bit years.

    1. A belated welcome Vagabond. I hope you will enjoy many more of my modest efforts.

  7. Congratulations, and still fresh and interesting.

    1. Thanks George, I will endeavour to keep it up to the mark.

  8. Congratulations on an amazing milestone!

  9. 500 not out, can't be bad. Here's to the next 500.

    1. I hope to continue to make modest contributions with your ongoing help!

  10. Well done! Consistently entertaining, another 500 please!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I shall do my best to oblige.

  11. It makes me think of The Proclaimers … Well I would write 500 blogs …!
    Well done Mr.B. keep up the good work.

    1. Da da da (da da da)
      Da da da (da da da)
      Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da

    2. Thank you Jon! As to The Other One, well, best left unsaid for now...😉
