Sunday 29 July 2018

La Cappella di San Filippe

I’m steadily working my way through the buildings I bought back in March and April for my Italian Wars project. I’ve previously completed the two I made using Warbases’ Modular Buildings, together with a few additions from elsewhere, leaving me with the two Charlie Foxtrot buildings, the Small Store/Hovel and the Chapel. The painting scheme follows that of the walled farm and the inn I featured in earlier Blog posts, though perhaps I’ve got a little better at dry brushing with practice. The buildings are based on 3mm MDF custom bases made for me by Warbases of course. The Chapel is a very simple building, though I added some Wills plastic pantile sheeting to the front elevation to tone it in with the cast resin main roof provided with the kit ~

The small store, or hovel in my mind, is a simple square building, you’d think an idiot could build it. Wrong! I only noticed when I came to paint it that I’d mounted the side window in sideways! Obviously an early Italian Top opening window light! My kit was missing one of the three exposed stonework pieces. Rather than complain I simply left the space open and painted it in to match the base, it’s a hovel after all. Like the inn it needs some bits and bobs adding to give a lived in look. I have those on my list!
Phil ordered some resin buildings and extras from Grand Manner for his Spanish Games last month, so I added in a fountain to save on postage. I made it a feature base to arrange the buildings around if we want a town in any of the games.
I plan to make a further building from the Warbases modular building options by combining some elements of the Sally Forth Italian castle range with those from Warbases to create a more impressive Palazzo for the Borgias to reside in. I’ve ordered the Sally Forth elements to collect at The Other Partizan and hope to get my Warbases bits and pieces at Claymore next Saturday.


  1. They look great David. Do you think CF models are a bit big? Anyway see you at Claymore.

    1. Thanks Colin, see you at Claymore! As to CF buildings I’ve asked Phil’s opinion. He says not, though one house is big, but is meant to be so.

  2. Lovely looking buildings!
    Best Iain

  3. Nice collection, more terrain on my list but the list is getting bigger.

    1. Thanks George. Whose list isn’t endless in our hobby?

  4. A beautiful little village...
    It seems a shame to meet out the horrors of war on it...

    No... wait a will look fantastic....hurry up and have a fight... ;-)

    All the best. Aly.

    1. Thanks very much Aly! We may blood the village on the 20th of August at our next scheduled bash in GHQ.

    2. Scusami, non avremo spargimento di sangue in questo bellissimo villaggio.
