Wednesday 4 July 2018

Hot From The Press...

...or at least from the digital camera, some of Dan’s photos from the Wargames Illustrated photoshoot here in GHQ. The article on gaming the Great War 1914 using Black Powder rules will appear in the October issue. In the same issue will be an article discussing the upcoming revision of Black Powder in 2019 ~

The new version of Black Powder will be more of a revision and a reorganisation of the rules layout I’m told than a rewrite. This latter is a much needed improvement in my opinion, speaking as someone who has trouble remembering the nuances of rules, and more to the point where to find the explanation! But, that is for the future, now it’s back to painting Landsknechts, Oh Joy!


  1. Oooh! Like those, especially as it makes my terrain work look good too.

    1. I always enjoy seeing what Dan makes of the figures, games. I’m often pleasantly surprised by how well my work looks. Mind you, your terrain looks special in any circumstance if you ask me.

  2. That set up looks fantastic. Can't wait to see your rules. Colin

    1. I’m pleased by the overall look I have to say. I hope you won’t be disappointed by the article.

  3. I must get that issue in October.

    1. I trust you get every issue. No North of the Border groat pinching please!

  4. Funnily enough David I am having my inaugural World War one wargame today.I am really looking forward to it. Also interesting is the news about Blackpowder. It has many detractors but me and John still use the rules. Simplistic? Yes and no, but they allow a fun but frustrating wargame and are straightforward to understand.Well done with your game.

  5. Lovely looking set up ,I look forward to the article.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, hope the article doesn’t disappoint.

  6. Fantastic photo's. Getting the depth of field right in these pictures makes all the difference.

  7. They have come out rather well haven’t they...

    All the best Aly...
