Tuesday 19 June 2018

Salm-Kirberg Hussars.

I've given the Italian Wars project a bit of a rest for the present, largely because the last two units I have to paint are Landsknechts! Instead I'm choosing to work on small additions to existing projects. First up are four unreleased figures from Trent Miniatures which I've chosen to depict as the Salm-Kirberg Hussars, a French loyalist unit in British pay during the Flanders Campaign of 1793-95. In Black Powder terms they will be a Small Unit in our games, one of several colourful such ones I've already recruited ~

The sources, both visual and written, which I've found do not entirely agree as to small details like sash colours and plumes, but I chose largely to follow the Knotel plate, though I did take a few minor liberties in execution!

As Phil might say, "They will do!" At least they will for me, if not anyone else. Next on the painting desk is a WWI 4.5" howitzer and crew. I hope to finish that this week, although with shorter painting sessions and therapeutic walking it may take a bit longer!


  1. Splendid and colourful.But can they fight?

  2. Top notch unit David, they look dynamic and superb!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Phil, much appreciated!

  3. Almost dashing in their red....charge ........!

    1. Almost probably aptly describes their future tabletop performances.

  4. Lovely looking light horse!
    Best Iain

  5. Very pretty David...
    Those emigre units sure add some colour and variety to an already colourful period...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I do agree about the added colour too.
