Friday 16 March 2018

Making use of those annoying odd figures!

I’ve never really forgiven Foundry for starting the trend of selling historical wargame figures in blister packs. I always enjoyed building up my units to suit the look I wanted by choosing individual figures. As the trend to blistering spread I’m sure I’m not alone in having a box of odd figures left over from units or projects. Having chosen TAG for the core of my Italian Wars collection I find the situation is no different, having currently two orphan Command figures. I combined these with a spare Foundry Gendarme command figure and an odd figure sculpted by Matt which I picked up at last December’s Wargamer show. The result is a Command vignette base which we will be using as sub commanders in our games. The bases are the same 100x50x3mm bases that other units are on as Sub Commanders can fight either on their own or by joining other units, at least in the current version of our rules!

I’m quite pleased by the way these odds and sods have meshed together. The General appears to be consulting his chief spy, a master of disguise, feared throughout Italy, Matteo Bicclione. An aide stands by to carry off the expected order, while the General’s personal standard flutters prominently in the breeze as a focus for his command. A bit of whimsy I know, but it’s a hobby and it’s meant to be fun remember. Next up should be the great man himself, Cesare Borgia, and his entourage, at least when the base turns up from Warbases.


  1. A well used up odds and sods pile Mr. B

  2. Very efficient use of figures, the basing is lovely too.
    Best Iain

  3. Odd figures or not you made them blend very well together!


    1. Thanks Christopher, I was quite pleased myself too.

  4. Individual figures and hours pouring over choices, the good old days.

  5. A great looking stand of figures!

  6. Nothing odd about these...
    A lovely command group.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I’m pleased you approve of my efforts.

  7. Really impressed by that.
    I know I have loads of odds and sods left over, you can't throw them away and not worth selling, so you end up with loads of left over figures. I like your plan.

    1. Thanks Mike, I just abhor waste really.
