Monday 19 March 2018

At last, Cesare Borgia has been based!

I had made a pre-show order with Warbases for collection at Hammerhead, some buildings and detailing extras for my Italian Wars project and one 80mm round 3mm base.As many will know, the weather gods were against us and the blizzards put paid to the show. Having opted to have my order delivered by post it was then further delayed by illness chez Warbases and postal backlogs! It finally arrived on Saturday and so Cesare and his entourage are now based and ready for their first showing. I hope you will approve ~

For those interested in such things the figures are by TAG from their Tudor English range, Howard and standard bearer and trumpeter. The flag is by Pete’s Flags via eBay ~ 

I’ve started the next base of TAG figures for the Italian Wars project, a base of Italian spearmen who are proving a riot of colour and a joy to paint. I hope they will be finished this week, so pop back for a look later...


  1. It was a pleasure to meet my forthcoming adversary in person yesterday, and very fine he looked too.

    1. Thanks Phil, I’m very pleased with how it turned out.

  2. A spectacular and splendid vignette!

    1. Thank you Phil, very fulsome response.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for dropping in and commenting, much appreciated.

  4. A good size....nicely done 🙂

  5. Lovely looking command stand!
    Best Iain
