Monday 7 August 2017

Claymore 2017

As you'll already know, I went to Claymore wargames show last Saturday with Sue while we were enjoying a short break in South Queensferry, staying at The Hawes Inn on the Forth's shoreline. It's a show I highly recommend if you have the opportunity to attend: meeting friends, seeing new games and buying new toys for the Lead Lump, no longer a Pimple! What's not to like really? I've already posted pictures on Facebook as it's so easy, but for completeness I wanted to add the to my Blog also. Firstly, from my friend Kevin and the Iron Brigade, a 28mm ACW game showcasing Kev's new rules, "The Bonnie Blue Flag" published by Caliver Books. The game won the Best Game award too I believe, though we weren't there by then to celebrate their triumph ~

The Iron Brigade's games at Claymore and elsewhere are always a joy to see, featuring as they do wonderful figures, terrain and interesting vignettes galore. While I spent most time with Kevin, Vivien, Emma and Peter and their game I did have time to take in the other splendid offerings from other gamers. As I only had my limited time I took few pictures, but here are a few of the other games ~

As with any Wargames show there were many more games on show in many differing scales and genres, but between chatting to friends, shopping and just mooching these were the ones which most hit the spot for me. Of course, I bought new toys as you do: ACW figures from Dixon Miniatures, AWI figures from Perry Miniatures off Dave Thomas, MDF bases from Warbases of course, and perhaps surprisingly for me given my track record, some AWI from Old Glory. On impulse I also bought a ruined desert fort in 28mm from Supreme Littleness Designs
The previous day Sue and I had been in Perth. Besides general sightseeing and shopping we'd visited the Black Watch Castle and Museum, well worth the visit and cost, though as ever these places disappoint when it comes to postcards useful to wargamers. What didn't disappoint was the local Oxfam shop which had an excellent Military History section. I bought a couple of books, but was most chuffed to find a mint copy of Don Trioni's Soldiers of the American Revolution for £14. So all in all a grand trip! I hope we will be back next year!


  1. Sounds good, perhaps I will make more of an effort next year, entice the missus with some shopping.

  2. Good to catch up briefly. I enjoyed the show but think Falkirk was better this year.

    1. Always good to chat, even if briefly. I tend to agree with you about the Falkirk show this year.

  3. Thank you for the pics of Kevin and Peter's game, nice to see the ACW collection again. A well deserved win for best demo too, together with Caliver selling all the copies of Bonnie Blue Flag they took too, a win, win.

    1. My pleasure! I was really pleased when I heard they had won best Demonstration Game, it was thoroughly deserved.

  4. Intresting to see that you have put your skirmishers behind the main unit so they are always on the table. A nice idea and the unit looks better for it, nice tip.
