Friday 16 June 2017

All Quiet(ish) On The GHQ Front

Sue and I are back home and refreshed after our Croatian holiday, a cruise around the Dalmatian Coast and Islands betwixt Dubrovnik and Split. That alone should explain the lack of anything new in GHQ, but of course it is always more complicated than that. My decision to stick to what I have in project terms, while personally liberating, has somewhat reduced the muse for painting on a day to day basis. I've managed to finish 8 ACW Rebs for a third Georgian regiment, 6 Indians to bring my French Indians up to scratch for Sharp Practice 2 F&IW games, 6 Ghurkas for Burma 1943 and that's about it. I've got 6 French Canadian Militia on the go for the same game and I've started five more Ghurkhas, but they're all being put on hold as I've decided I need to advance some odd figures for a venture in Nottingham later this month, but more on that in due course...
I managed a Black Powder AWI game last night with Jon, a see saw action which might have gone either way, but which I ultimately lost when my American army suffered two Broken Brigades out of four and could no longer advance, leaving Jon's British in charge of the ford which was the game objective. Old 'Independence or Death' Bykleigh had no option but to withdraw from the field! Still, a grand evening's gaming, following on from a splendid SCW game at Phil's on Monday, and hopefully the muse is on the rise again...
Just a few shots from the game to give you the flavour of the action ~

As I said, just a flavour of the game, as I'm not fully back in the groove yet. Next up on Monday in GHQ a return for Pompus Maximus and his nemesis, Baldinus.


  1. A wonderful looking game David! AWI games are always very atmospheric.


    1. Thanks for that Christopher, I do enjoy a good AWI game.

  2. Great look No game. Welcome back.

    1. Great looking game I meant studip predictive texting

    2. Productive texture, the bane of the happy Blogger!

  3. This is a tremendous looking game. There seems to be enough room for maneuver yet the terrain allows for cover and reasonable lines of battle. Nicely done!

    1. We used to think we always needed more units, when in fact often less is more.

  4. The engine is still stoked, it appears ;~)

    1. It's ticking over, no more. See you tomorrow Baldinus!

  5. Doesn't sound that quiet to me !

  6. A grand game Mr.B. Those Hessians were very resolute in defence and the Guards took it like men. Shame about the Scots .... who let me down again!

    1. Might have swung either way but for the red dice of doom...

  7. Nice game as ever, looking forward to the Roman report.

    1. Coming shortly, in the meantime, Thanks!

  8. The engine is still stoked, it appears ;~)
