Tuesday 12 July 2016

Yes we can!

When its not "Fireman Sam" its "Bob the Builder"! Of course, for the benefit of any non British readers, these are the titles of popular children's cartoon, or at least they are popular with William who sings along with gusto to accompany the programmes' theme tunes. Hence the title, which is belted out by Bob the Builder in answer to the question, "Can we build it?" Well, in this instance we certainly can! I collected the bespoke MDF bases from Walt of Commission Figurines at Barrage on Sunday for a very reasonable price, so I'd recommend him to anyone! I've started on the landscaping of my 'universal' North European town, Peendeford, The following pictures will, I hope serve for now, although I have already done further ground work by adding a stone effect sheet for the town square and for a path to the church door ~

I hope to do some further work tomorrow, probably texturing around the church with my usual PVA and ballast mix. {On the theme of ballast, I was at Tutbury on Saturday with Sue for an afternoon out. There's a decent Train Shop there, the 'Tutbury Jinny', and I got more fine buff ballast and the stone plastic sheeting from them.}
That leads me nicely on to Sunday and the Stafford Wargames Show, Barrage. I thought the show was both bigger and busier than last year, with some nice games to entertain when you were shopped out! I didn't take any pictures in the end because unexpectedly Jon turned up and we had a good natter and mooch about the show together, even though he did n't buy anything! I was luckier, getting three items on my 'To Buy' list for the summer ~

I got the Footsore Miniatures British Militia from Ainsty, who helpfully will order me the same company's Workers' Militia for Claymore next month. The two Warlord packs I got from their stand of course - they deserve some credit for supporting so many shows with their trade stand by the way! The Type 1 Japanese antitank gun has been on my list for a while, so I was pleased to find one, while the ECW Commander was for a conversion, to represent Obadiah Bykleigh in our games by the addition of one of my bespoke heads from Matt and cast by Trevor at Dixon Miniatures! That's already on the painting table, but has to wait while I finish the last few figures for my Wars of the French Revolution French Light Infantry! Next week perhaps? For a show of its size that's a decent number chalked off 'The List'. I shall hopefully attend 2017's show which I hope will be bigger still!

One final item, a surprise gift from Jon which he bought for me when he was at Phalanx, while I was in Wales! Its from Curtey's Miniatures, you may have seen it yourself, and is very appropriate given where I was when it was bought ~

My very own flock of sheep! And with a Late Roman style shepherd I'm sure that they will soon be rustled by that villainous Baldinus! Mind you they will need painting first! And on that note its back to the paint table and those Frenchies! Au Revoir mes Amis!


  1. Good to see you keeping the end up in my absence old chap.

    1. No grass growing under my feet! How's the holiday? Wet here today...

  2. Town is shaping up just great David! Those sheep are a must buy!


    1. I have finished texturing the three town bases and hope to give them a colour wash tonight or tomorrow, ready to grass & tuft over the weekend.
      Glad you like it, and the sheep!

  3. It was nice to see you and have a chat. Glad you liked the sheep, I thought if you based the shepherd individually then the flock would be useful for all sorts of games.
    The show was quite good, some nice games and a fair mix of traders. To be fair my purchases were nil (although we did try!) owing to the imminent arrival of 600+ painted figures and the need to pay for 'em!

    1. Thanks for the comment, and again for the gift. I had it ready to spray today but it rained! Again!
