Saturday 30 April 2016

Twenty Seven Minutes!!!!!

I would swear, honestly, if I thought it would do any good. But bl**dy Windows 10!!! What idiot thought it was funny to let it loose on the world? From switching on to do this Blog entry to typing the title took 27 minutes! Had to restart the computer twice as it all just froze!!!!! Give me 10 minutes and a good length of 4 x 2 in a closed room with those idiots responsible for Windows 10....please!

Well, that's better anyway; I'm breathing normally again. Not much to report on here in GHQ really. Only three games played out this month altogether, only one of them here in GHQ, not that it attracted much interest anyway from what I can see. I've managed one win from those three games, in the SCW game over at Phil's {you can visit his blog 'News From the Front' via my sidebar link if you'd like to see more ~

I took this on my iPhone camera, Phil's pictures on his Blog are far better. He has a quite wonderful set up for things Iberian and I always come away thinking I must buy some figures for this game - a bad case each time of 'Darkest Africa Syndrome'!!!!
I've collected my new glasses and am manfully trying to master the oddities of the varifocal lenses; certainly better vision now for driving and watching the TV, but I'm finding the reading part fairly difficult to master. No problems though with the new painting glasses. Well, that's not strictly true between you and me: I was half way through six French Dragoons for my SYW collection to bring the unit up to strength. I put the new specs on and promptly could see how awful they looked. Cue considerable repainting before I could finish the other half of the additions. I've taken a few pictures of the figures I've been working on this month as I have nothing else to report ~
Grenadiers Royaux

Those French Dragoons I mentioned

British Horse Grenadier Troop

That's all the SYW additions for the British and French armies I purchased this year finished, although these still need to be varnished. That rather depends on the weather though...The Prussians will not reach the painting desk until the Autumn I think. Next project will be my northern European 'town' and my windmill, the latter which Sue kindly bought for me. They are waiting to be sprayed with a dark brown base coat; again, cue the weather sentence from above! I've also got some VBCW types on the go. I'd been meaning to add some troops for ages but somehow always forgot at shows. So, I ordered them over the net! I got the Sloppy Jalopy miners {Matt made the bodies, the heads are by someone else and are, in my view too small and rather spoil the character of the figures} and also from Arcane in Nottingham the Footsore Workers' Militia. I hope to work those in amongst the buildings for painting in May and June. I also bought the concise Sourcebook with a view to seeing how our local difficulty fits into the greater sceme of things. One final piece of painting: a Perry Miniatures mounted Continental Officer for my AWI collection ~

I'm rather pleased with how he turned out! Those new glasses have certainly made things much sharper and clearer for me. Well, that's all for now. Sorry to bang on about Windows 10 at the begining. I'll skate over the two times AOL has crashed while I've been doing this entry!


  1. A few games may be but you have made up for it with plenty of painting, all looking good. Keep it up :-)

    1. Yes, it's not the number of games we had in the first three months, but still more than many manage, especially all those non gaming figure fiddlers on LAF.

  2. More progress than me this month David.

    1. Really, Colin? That does surprise me in truth. I envisaged you churning out myriads of figures 24/7 when I look at your table?

  3. Couldn't agree more about Windows 10. I was left with no bluetooth capability on my laptop or ability to wirelessly connect to my printer, both features that I previously used a lot. As for varifocals, a real boon until you try to watch tv in a reclining chair.

    1. I'm glad of your support on the Windows10 monstrosity. Noted the varifocal issue when slumped in front of the TV later last night too!

  4. I had so much trouble with Windows 10 that I saved up and bought a Mac. Best thing I ever did! :-)

    1. I do most things now on my iPad, Colin, and just the blog on my laptop.

  5. Windows 10 is free so that Microsoft can have a massive Quality control department of millions of people who took up this Free!! offer and give them technical feedback on all faults logged, I have installed and uninstalled it twice now and have no intention of upgrading, they basically don't want to support old hard ware or programs not approved by them, time for Linux perhaps.

    1. Thanks for the support, Gary. I'm not really computerate, my brother in law looks after the technicals, I just use the things.
