Saturday 2 April 2016

Rummours of Wars

We managed to play a game in GHQ this week! I had left the Wars of the French Revolution collection out on the table after Dan had finished his session, so Phil popped over on Tuesday for us to try a game with the whole collection on the table ~

We used the Black Powder ruleset with some modifications in the statistics I'm experimenting with for the period {You will be able to read about these in the forthcoming article in Wargames Illustrated later in the summer}. We were a little cramped for time in the end, having started later than usual, and the game petered out into a draw, although the French commanded by Phil had the better of it. Mostly my chaps failed crucial Order rolls and my firing and hand to hand was below par too. We agreed that perhaps having all the Allies on the table actually worked in favour of the French as they enjoyed more freedom to manoeuvre than the Allies could manage. I still hope to expand the French forces a little, some Voltigeur companies and some scenic skirmish bases are on the list for Partizan in May. To that end I've invested in some more theatre appropriate buildings: from Grand Manner I bought a European Windmill in their March sale; while from Hovels I purchased several buildings and walls to make a small town ~

Here is the set up I have in mind for the town, with perhaps a fountain or statue in the square. It will probably take me most of the second half of the year to paint and base all of this, as my hands are not strong enough to hold the buildings for prolonged periods of time, in fact I struggle with brushes and figures sometimes! But they will get done and look the part I hope in due course. The service from both firms was first class and I could recommend them without hesitation to anyone thinking of making a first purchase from both or either.

Painting wise I've been plodding on with some additions to both the British and the French SYW armies in my collection. I picked these up from Foundry at WMMS last month and am pleased with my progress to date. Firstly some French Brigade commanders, one for the Line Cavalry and one for the Line Infantry ~

Next a battery of heavy field guns for the British, who previously only had the Battalion guns at their disposal. Foundry never did a specifically British 12lb gun, so using the "it'll do" approach I bought a pair of the French heavy guns. They will do the job for me anyway ~

I'm working on the extra British command stands now, one for an Infantry Brigade and one for the Guard Cavalry Brigade. More of them as they are finished next week. I've also started some French Grenadiers to boost their foot force. I expect they will take a while to finish as I could n't get a command set. My other painting task has been entirely pointless, but one I enjoyed enormously! I bought some Napoleonic Civilians from Front Rank to populate the town and village simply because I liked the figures. Here they are, D'Arcy and all ~

I especially liked the grouping around the village pump, very evocative of a simpler time gone by I thought. These are figures from three of the four sets currently available. The missing set will have to wait until I order some SYW limbers in the summer. I have added something else to the Lead Pimple since WMMS when I popped over to Foundry last week - my failed attempt to buy a French Grenadier Command set! I was rather more successful in buying the figures for the start of a small Prussian force for the SYW. I acquired some Generals; two 12lb guns and crews; a 20 figure Battalion of Musketeers; another of Fusiliers; and a third of Grenadiers. These will form the backbone of a large infantry Brigade to ally with the British. I will hopefully be able to add a second Musketeer Battalion at least when funds allow, and perhaps some Frei Korps in due course. We shall see.

There may be a game in GHQ this week, I am waiting on Jon to see if there is a window of opportunity in his schedule. I should manage a game at Phil's though anyway on Monday, though I don't at this time know what it will be. As its a thoroughly wet day here by the looks of it I hope to progress my painting at least a little, otherwise the Black Dog may get me if I don't keep busy! More as and when, as they say. In the meantime, Toodle Pip!


  1. David, I am going to have to check out the Hovels webstore! The town looks great.

    1. Glad someone else likes the town as I will be spending considerable time on it later in year.

  2. Every little helps and its these sort of things that set games apart, superfluous or not. I think the town will look just dandy when painted.

    1. PS. You forgot to mention the zombies :-)

    2. I may need a chum with an airbrush and several hours to spare on the town.
      Zombies later in the year, perhaps...

    3. To spray you need brainzzzzzzz. :-)

  3. Great looking town, not taken a look at hovels for many a year... but you can't beat resin for long term playability.

    1. Another vote for the town, so thanks Stu!

  4. Very nice looking game David and the units look a treat as well. I enjoy hovels as the have a lot of character and are relatively inexpensive compared to other resin. Grand Manor are the best, but are very expensive!!


    1. Thanks Christopher! I agree that Grand Manner are excellent pieces, they just were largely out of my budget range and I do agree that Hovels have character.
