Friday 22 August 2014

Because I felt like it

I have been reorganising my photo libraries on Photobucket of late, having realised that things were getting increasingly difficult to locate quickly due to the lazy way I had uploaded pictures in the first instance. For example, I had no library dedicated to my ACW collection; odd that as its always been my real interest in gaming, and in research and writing down the years! Having reorganised this one file I thought I'd celebrate my progress with a little blog post. Its also a post which confronts the reality that nothing I game seems to be 'popular' at the moment if I judge by the paucity of comments beyond a few friends and diehards. Plenty of visits here, and on various Forum Boards I frequent, but very little in the way of feedback or comment. I have at last come to terms with that state of affairs and will continue blogging in my merry way and the fashion followers in our hobby can... well, you get my drift I'm sure. So, some pictures of my ACW collection in action, and in close up too, to encourage others who like me perhaps are not as good a painter/modeller as they aspire to be. First up are two bespoke figures sporting my personal likeness, which heads Matt sculpted for me as gifts. Each is based on a Redoubt Miniatures' body and mounted on a Dixon horse. {As you'll see, if you did n't know already, my ACW collection is almost exclusively Dixon Miniatures.} ~
Useless S Bykleigh

Jubal E Bykleigh

I've realised in sorting out the pictures, and confirmed by sorting through the drawers in GHQ, that I have far too many Generals to ever deploy on the tabletop. My excuse? Well, I enjoy painting them! Here's a selection ~
Joe Johnson

Meagher & Father Corby

Jackson & his Staff

As 'regulars' here will know I'm not a very good painter, though I do try hard, and I'm even less of a modeller! I have over the years though made several scratch building and modifying efforts for my favourite era. A few samples of those now ~
Observation Balloon set

The intrepid aeronaut!

The balloon was picked up in a 'tourist tatt' shop on a day out in Shropshire. The waggon is from the Days Gone By range and the figures from Dixon and Redoubt. With Phil's help I've made several buildings to grace our battlefields over the years ~
Rawnsley Farm and associated out buildings

Fencing of various types ~ by the yard!

I've been painting and collecting my favourite Dixon Miniatures figures almost since they were first available, so both the paints I used and the style I paint in have changed and evolved of course. A few shots of my figures might illustrate that better than many words though ~
The Dixon Miniatures ACW bandsmen ~ I have two bands!

Rebel artillery

From the Irish Brigade

146th New York

Louisiana Tigers

South Carolina's finest

Finally in this piece of blatant self indulgence, my figures in action across the table top battlefield here in GHQ. Phil made the terrain boards, as I'm sure you'll know by now, and the trees and stonewalls are from The Last Valley ~
The Rebs advance!

Union troops on the march

Steady Boys!

Rebel artillery swings into action!

As a postscript: 'General Robinson' perusing the first copy of Bull Run To Gettysburg, my ACW rules published by Wargames Foundry ~
The calm before the storm...

Well, I hope some of you have enjoyed this self indulgence on my part. Now to reorganise the next file...


  1. Some fine words there, although you are far too critical of your painting skills. The pics are great too, good to see them all in one place as well, look forward to the next "period" pics, in fashion or not. JOB

    1. Thanks for that, Phil, especially the painting comments.

  2. Bloody predictive text, that should be KBO

  3. Fantastic looking set and figures. I seem to remember the balloon at WMMS on display a few years ago.

    With reference to your painting skills I think everyone would be proud to have figures like those 'Louisiana Tigers' on their table top.


    1. Thanks, Matt! Indeed the balloon did fly at WMMS, probably our last Display Game too.

  4. David I for one thoroughly enjoy your blog, perhaps because you are not 'a dedicated follower of fashion'! I have myself realised that following the latest wargaming trend might be cool! But it's damn expensive on the pocket, and ultimately I end with figures for periods I'm not that interested in and lots of half complete projects. So now I'm doing what I enjoy and that's what's important! I would love to have an ACW collection like that and probably could have had, had I not got sidetracked by the latest en vogue period. So keep up the good work!!!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Mark G, its much appreciated. Its no secret that I'm a tad indifferent to all these 20 figures a side new games that keep rolling along. I miss the old multi figure games of old if I'm honest.

  5. Your painting skills are first class sir and the balloon is wonderful !

    The vision of massed troops is wonderful - keep up the good work

    1. Thanks for those kind words Mr Shed. How's the Egyptian Temple coming along today?

  6. I agree with Phil et al, you have no need to apologize for your Mad Skillz with the brush. Lovely work all around and the balloon is charming. I quite like it and wish I had one.
    I too collect generals, even though Sam Watkins famously called them "harmless personages" on a battlefield.
    Nice to see lots of Dixons, some people hate 'em but I am kind of fond of their weird faces and they look good in groups.

    1. Kind words Michael, both for my few talents and the more considerable ones of Trevor. My generals are most definately mostly harmless, especially to the opposition!

  7. Fantastic! Love these beautiful pictures, especially the ballon and the 'Steady Boys' one...and the South Carolina's minis are really excellent!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Enthusiasm is always welcome at GHQ.

  8. David, your figures, articles and games have been long been an inspiration. Long may it continue!

    1. Thanks Sean, much appreciated, especially the final sentiment!

  9. Great looking troops; I have yet to try Photobucket; but I can see the advantage for your large collection

    1. Thank you Dean! Photobucket can be a bit of a pain though at times...

  10. Hi David, inspiring photos indeed. I'm often guilty of reading your posts and not leaving a comment so apologies for that but I do visit the blog regularly and whenever I see Phil or yourself have posted a link to a game on LAF I always have a look. Cheers, Norman

    1. Thanks, Norman, those sentiments are much appreciated here in GHQ. I'm sometimes a bit sqiffy about non comments, Sue puts it down to my age!!!
