Saturday 24 May 2014

The 33rd Regiment embarks

The latest additions to my French Revolutionary Wars project to reach completion are the 33rd Regiment. They are all from Trent Miniatures once more. I am using their Irish Militia range to represent the British forces: now I'm sure that will upset the odd purist, and I use the word odd in all its meanings here, but they will do just fine for me. Here is the full Regiment drawn up in line ~
The 33rd Regiment of Foot

Now, as you know only too well, I'm no great painter, but never the less I have always wanted to show the figures in close up as well, even though we don't see them on the table this way, and hopefully to encourage others as limited as myself to persevere. The command stand for the regiment is next ~
The colonel and the colours

Next, the Light Company. I don't much care for the later figures in this range, as I find them rather poorly posed and a little dated in style compared to the earlier sculpts by Matt, so I used the centre company figures and painted on a representation of the wings. Not perfect, but as Phil might say, 'It'll do!' ~
The Light Company

And finally the Grenadiers, again with wings added via the paintbrush, excepting the officer of course ~
Grenadier and Centre companies

The final regiment to paint for the British element of the Allied Army is the 12th Regiment. I have the majority of the figures ready to paint, but need to pick up the command figures from Duncan at Partizan next weekend. Perhaps if you see me wandering around the Big Top you might say 'Hello!'


  1. Looking mighty fine, old chum. I look forward to marching them up a hill in the not too distant future.
