Friday 13 September 2013

Latest additions to my Back of Beyond Project

A shrine to the 'Little Yellow, Green Eyed, Idol ~

The first figures for the Shropshire Yeomanry, all from Brigade Games WWI ranges ~

There's some background information on Rhanzlistan over on the dedicated Blog, which you can link to from the side bar.


  1. Excellent work on all of these, the little shrine is awesome.

  2. So, from that description, all of this is set "to the North of Kathmandu", then lol?

    Lovelt stuff!

  3. There’s a green-eyed yellow idol to the north of Rhanzlistan,
    There’s a little marble cross below the town;
    There’s a broken-hearted woman tends the grave of a mad old soldier man,
    And the Yellow God forever gazes down.

  4. Very poetic, Mad Carew Robinson!
