Tuesday 27 August 2013

My name is Bond...

...Howard Bond, Gentleman explorer and special agent of His Majesty in Rhanzlistan. A Copplestone Castings 'Jolly Good Chap'.

In addition, the Royal Surrey Regiment has been posted to the Rhanzlistan Field Force as of today. They are Pulp Miniatures, which I always enjoy painting as they are very 'paint friendly', which is important to we chaps of limited abilities and failing eyesight...

That just leaves the only cavalry unit the RFF has so far, the Shropshire Yeomanry I expect, and the Russian Mission to Rhanzlistan of course. I still need to sort out some artillery, but that will have to wait on a replenishment of funds sadly...


  1. Nice new fodder for the SPIFF, regarding the indomitable Mr. Bond he will have no chance against the charms and guile of the luscious Anna Pavlova, Heroine of the Soviet Republics.

    1. Anna Pavlova? Dreadful, Phil, but it made me smile.

  2. Really nicely done. Love "Bond".


  3. Hahaha I love the paint job you did on the Bond Figure. Really great one there! Loving the sculpt of "Jolly Good Chap" by Copplestone casting too!

    1. Oh btw, if you do like wargaming miniatures from modern warfare era to warhammer to collectibles of all kinds, do google connect with my webblog at www.toyconstruct.blogspot.com

      I do like your array of miniatures and thought we can share each other interests together (:

      Once again. Great stuff! Cheers!

  4. Not Basildon Bond, then? Sorry, couldn't resist. Lovely stuff.
