Friday 5 July 2013

The Ruined Temple of Pa-Doh-Ki

Recently Phil and I took advantage of some free time to play out another Bolt Action WWII game, set in Burma at Phil's request: I think he wanted to blood my minuscule Japanese tankette... People should be careful what they wish for though.

The first picture picks up the action in Turn 3.One of my two large Japanese squads was in good cover, ready to burst forth at the turn of the dice. The tankette is cunningly concealed at this point on a path through the jungle terrain piece. Drawing the dice can be so cruel in Bolt Action games I've observed...

The tankette, supported by one squad, burst out of cover and utterly destroyed the Chindit squad opposing it. Banzai!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, favourable dice had allowed the attack to develop on the left, putting the third Chindit squad in a spot, pinned down in the ruins of the temple...

The Chindit machine gun rattled away throughout the game, but without much notable success we thought...

The second Japanese squad, facing the temple ruins, effectively blocked the Chindit flanking attack, only sustaining one casualty and two pin markers all game, despite the constant machine gun and occasional mortar fire. Was the tankette bloodied? Well, yes; but not in the way Phil had anticipated. Led by Lieutenant Onomoro, the forces of His Imperial Majesty had routed the foreign devils convincingly! Banzai!!! Banzai!!!!! Banzai!!!!!


  1. Flush with the success of their previous engagement, Lt. Rawnsley pushed forward with a bold pincer movement to trap Onomoro's force. As you can see pride goes before a fall :-(

  2. Nice jungle terrain! Compatible with any Vietnam game too!!

  3. Those Nips are very hard to nail down.

  4. Nice looking game David, you don't often see the fighting in the East being gamed, especially the fighting in Burma. It's even a forgotten war in wargaming.

    1. Thanks folks! I think you are right Dave, and I suspect its because it lacks the tank parks so beloved of many WWII gamers! The Warlord offerings have drawn attention to the theatre I feel too.
