Sunday 10 March 2013

WMMS 2013

Phil and I have been to WMMS, the local show of the Alumwell Wargames Society today. The show is in its 37th year, which makes me feel very old, as Phil and I were the organisers of the very first one, in what seems more than half a lifetime ago!
Although I have n't been a member of the club for many years now, I still feel an affection for the show and always look forward to it coming around every year. Its especially good now, as its only about a mile from my front door, so there are no early starts or long journeys ~ which my old bones and new knee are equally grateful for!!!!!
We only stayed until 1.00, as Phil had to go into work this afternoon, and frankly three hours is about all I can manage at one time before I tire. Sad, but true... So, without more ado some pictures from today's show ~
The hall at about 12.00, from the walkway to the bar...

A SCW game adjacent to the Empress Miniatures stand and featuring, amongst others, some of their buildings and figures. I think the monastery in the far distance is by Grand Manner.

Dave Page's group from Kinver ~ a 20mm WWII Eastern Front game.

WWII game demoing Battlegroup Overlord I think.

A game set in the Middle East. I liked the town very much.

A Napoleonic Sharp Practice skirmish.

A large ACW game.
One of several AWI/F&IW type games.
And another...
And another.
I hope the various groups and individuals will not take it askance that I can't say which group is responsible for which game, but encumbered by shopping, a walking stick and a camera phone, and in a limited time, its just not practical to stop and talk to everyone. I enjoyed the show immensely! All the games on display were worthy of spending time at ~ time I just did n't have today! I hope the pictures give a flavour of the day and perhaps might persuade a few folk to make the trip to WMMS 2014!

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