Sunday 17 March 2013

Japan in the Age of Wars

An update on my progress in my self styled "Year of Being Japanese" seems in order, as I have finished painting all the figures I bought for the skirmish game set in the 'Age of Wars' and all of the buildings I bought last year for the project. To recap: the buildings are by John Jenkins Designs, with extras and outdoor facilities from Oshiro and the Tori arch from Grand Manner; while the figures are from Museum Miniatures and Perry Miniatures.



I bought a few movement trays for this project, as well as for the Muskets and Tomahawks game, but typically I misjudged how many I'd need for each game, hence the mixed colours you might notice. These trays need to be grassed and tufted, which I hope to do later in the month when I've finished something else I have on the go.

I grouped some of the figures as game objective markers and other as folk going about their daily lives. The Museum Miniatures range is not extensive but it includes suitable figures, as does the Perry Miniatures range.

In addition to the walled Samurai house, I've got a small set of farm buildings seen here, and a temple which you can see in the background.

The large drum and musician is from the Museum Miniatres' range, but the priests and Ninjas are from Perry Miniatures.

For ease of play the two sides are colour coded red and blue. Not very original I know, but it does for us! I hope that Warbases will make me some more movement trays to accommodate the command elements in the game!

They'll need to have one 'pill base' slot and three 25mm round base slots as you can see.

Which will also do for the supply train.

Ono Onomoro, our hero, leads his force into action. Or at least he will on Thursday!
I've really enjoyed painting the figures and buildings, even though I had to allow myself a sanity restoring interval from time to time when I painted other figures and assembled other buildings for the Old West project. Next up will be my Japanese and British forces for Bolt Action WWII in Burma game. But not yet...