Thursday 31 January 2013

Caravan to Byklabad

Quite recently Jon and I played an Indian Mutiny game here in GHQ. Jon commanded the H.E.I.C. force tasked with escorting a caravan through hostile areas to Byklabad. I took the natives, comprising two forces: the wild hill tribesmen of the Bhurpas and the loyal household troops of the Rajah of Rhanli. The natives appeared by a reducing percentage chance in each turn at four predetermined points. As I was dicing for their appearance you may guess how tardy they turned out to be!
The general table layout. The H.E.I.C.'s camp is in the distance. The road to Byklabad passes through the daunting Bykler Pass.

The 2ns Sikh Irregulars force a passage through the Pass.

The head of the caravan travels into the depths of the Pass.

Wild Bhurpa tribesmen swarm atop the Pass's heights.

The H.E.I.C's Infantry engage the tribesmen while the caravan hurries on.

An alternate view of the action in the Bykler Pass.

While a Gurkha battalion engages the Rajah's troops in the outskirts of the village.

The first elements of the caravan leave the table safely en route for Byklabad.

Even the Rajah's presence cannot persuade the Cavalry to close with the Gurkha's! The Rajah leaves the scene in disgust!!!

The game was played using my own "The Devil's Wind" rules, available from Caliver, Mutineer, Dave Thomas and others. The game lasted about three hours in all. My collection is mostly from Foundry's Indian Mutiny range, with guns and buildings from Mutineer ~ although I did scratch build the village shrine ~ and the well from Grand Manner. We prefer games which zip along nicely and give the minimum cause for the brain to turn to goo and dribble down the nose. Not everyone's cup of tea of course, but definitely to our tastes here in GHQ, where we think a hobby should be fun! Next up will be an ECW game, but first we are off to Vapnartak!


  1. Terrific set-up, David. Very inspiring photos.

    Best wishes


  2. Hoorah for the Empire! A very fine looking game. One doesn't always see this period so nice to see the Mutiny done well.
