Sunday 9 December 2012

Out of time...

...I've painted a few more Museum Miniature Japanese figures towards 2013's first project, the Samurai Skirmish game, which I've provisionally entitled "The Three Samurai". The figures are the mounted versions of Ono Onomoro and the Other One ~ I'm waiting for inspiration, or James on LAF, to provide my oponents' names. I've also painted five Ninjas from Perry Miniatures.

Ono Onomoro, his personal retainer and banner man

The Other One

The Five Assassins

During this Blog entry Photobucket froze just once, but Blogger crashed or failed to function by freezing five times. I am heartily sick of computer nerds who think they need to mess with software for something so peripheral as blogging all the time! If it ain't boke, why fix it?


  1. Looking good DB, I shall lok forward to commiting Hari-Kari in the new year some time then :-). Have yet to pluck up the time to make a blog entry on mine.

  2. You will have a few months yet to contemplate your fate at my slow painting rate!

  3. Looking forward to seeing how this new venture progresses. I have been trying to resist starting a Samurai collection for years. I hope you are not going to push me over the edge!
