Friday 12 October 2012

Lord Walton's Foote

Plodding on with painting in slightly longer short bursts, I've been working on another Parliamentarian unit of Foote using Perrys Miniatures. Same problems as before with some poor castings and endless vent runs to remove - no matter how careful I've been I still seem to miss some, which only show up after I've sprayed the figures white for painting! Perhaps my old eyes are not what they were...
Anyway, this is an 'unknown unit' using some nice GMB flags, and will be Jon's named unit in our ECW games next year. As ever I started with the command stand...

I've also completed the front rank of the pike block, and have almost completed the second rank. Popping back and forth to the hospital takes up quite a chunk of time some days but I'm hopeful they will be finished tomorrow. I've chosen a tawny colour for the coats: Foundry Conker Brown shade; Conker Brown light and Orange shade as the final highlight has given me a nice warm colour for the coats.

The bases are the lovely MDF ones from Warbases, whose service I'd venture to suggest is second to none. The tufts are from Mutineer Miniatures and the static grass from Heki.


  1. Looking goode, Fquire B. But, be they for parliament or the true Kinge one doef wonder?

    1. Put it this way Phil, they won't be celebrating Christmas!
      Happy Birthday BTW.

  2. They are indeed for Parliament! Death to Tyrants; even 28mm ones! Oh, and happy birthday Phil!
