Thursday 21 June 2012

War of 2012

My Foundry War of 1812 collection holds a special place in my affections, as it was the first project I undertook when I retired ten years ago. Most of the figures I got in very large bargain blisters in the sale when the company relocated to St Mark's Street in Nottingham , adding the missing figures when you could still buy them singly ~ oh, those were the days! As Stuart Asquith says, its Napoleonics with Indians! Well, actually of course its more complex, but what it does offer is few cavalry for those of us who find horse painting a chore rather than a pleasure.
Anyway, today to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the war, and the tenth birthday of my collection, Jon and I played out a game here in GHQ. Jon commanded the US forces, having eight turns to drive off my British-Canadian defenders, using Black Powder rules with standard movement rates along the length of my table. The Battle of Robinson's Farm...

The British-Canadian line of battle.

American Regular Brigade advances, screened by the 1st US Rifles, and covered by a battery of 8lb guns.

17th US Infantry advance into a hail of fire from the Royal Artillery's 9lb battery and skirmishers from the Glengarry Light Infantry.

On the British right the 104th New Brunswick Regiment prepares to fire on the 9th US Infantry.

Two moves later the British right is in some disarray: the 17th Light Dragoons driven off and the right flank turned.

The end of turn eight and of the game. A draw, with the gallant British-Canadians holding on in part and the shattered US troops unable to press their advantage to victory, as I think the Shaken and Disordered counters show.

The game lasted an hour and fifty-two minutes and was very close. The Americans were awarded a winning draw by agreement, though I felt the British-Canadian forces of mostly Militia and Fencibles had done well to hold on.


  1. Congrats David on the 10 years and this splendid looking game.



  2. Ah, the 17th... shivering in their white summer jackets in the middle of winter! (I'm in a unit that reenacts the 17th US.)
    A good looking game. Keep it up.

    John G

  3. Great looking game and figures. The War of 1812 is (yet) another of my own long term project.


  4. It's good to see the 1812 war being gamed.
