Tuesday 29 November 2011

You are very welcome at Tales from GHQ!

By way of a short introduction: this Blog is the new home of Tales From GHQ, my former site over on Freewebs having run its natural course. I hope to chronicle our games here in GHQ as well as showcase projects I'm working on a little more regularly now than I did in the past.
Currently I'm working on some 28mm Dixon ACW Army command vignettes just for fun really.

I've also got the Raja's Guard for my 28mm Indian Mutiny project ready to paint and another Anglo Zulu War command stand featuring those wonderful figures from Empress.
So, that's it for now folks. Pop back when you've got a minute and hopefully there'll be a little more to see.


  1. Welcome home and to the world of blogger, look forward to seeing more shortly.


  2. Nice start! Look forward to seeing your blog grow.


  3. I'm just starting an Indian Mutiny project so would be interested in hearing about yours.
